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bom jesus do monte

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  • bom jesus do monte
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    • Q8830COkarenm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Easy to get to by bus from Braga. Take the funicular up the hill if you have mobility issues, and then walk down to see all the chapels and statues. The church is okay, with an interesting altar, but it's the surrounding gardens, park and views that will make you glad you came.
    • Karsten2310 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One of the Churches and gardens in Portugal we visited. To find the parking lot was not easy as theer is only a sign for busses, so we just parked in the street and walked. It's areally nice garden and church. The stairs and walls weren't really white anymore - maybe because end of the season!?The view is amazing and you can make a lot of pictures.
    • manlito 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went up by funicular which incidentally is the oldest in the Iberian Peninsula and is water counterbalancing as if it wasn't interesting enough by being that original in the Peninsula!The church would be like any other church were it not for its altar. A life size depiction of the crucifixion with the other two crosses on each side of Jesus, Mary in the company of others and the Roman legionnaires at the bottom of the cross. (I was tempted not to mention the altar for the surprise effect but feared that travellers might miss it if not detailed.)And while up there, the views are stunning.
    • 271victors 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I really liked this sanctuary on the top of the mountain where you can see everything around and enjoy fresh air.Be prepared to climb up the mountain because it's very high but worth it. There is a funicular, but the queue was so big that I decided to walk.
    • chattypops 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I can not imagine trying to walk up all of these steps on your knees but actually do, pilgims do this.This was extremely interesting and we did see a woman on her knees being taken into the church, she had padding in her knees and this must have taken all of the day to reach the top. We walked the steps down which was very enjoyable.Braga is a lovely place to visit, plenty to see with restaurants, bars and shops to wander about.
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