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obidos village

  • 景点介绍
  • obidos village
  • 景点印象
    • TSchenk 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My wife and I visited here on a recent trip to Lisbon. In a word, this quaint castle complex is expensive. We did enjoy our visit and walked most of the way around the village atop the ramparts. If you want to experience an old castle without any modern guard rails, this is the place. Wear good shoes and be careful, especially if it has been raining.The main street of the village is filled with souvenir shops and wine stores selling their unique Ginja cherry liqueur served in chocolate cups. Parallel to the main street is another road that has mostly restaurants and bars. It was a lot of fun to simply explore the back alleys of this fairy land village. The food here is very expensive. Nearly twice the price of similar restaurants in Lisbon. We opted for a half bottle of wine, one beer and a pizza (definitely cheap store bought frozen) from a smaller back alley place and the bill was still 20 Euro.If you wish to travel here from Lisbon take the subway to the Campo Grande station. When exiting the station immediately turn right and follow the sidewalk around the station to a bus stop that is directly across the street from a green high rise building. There are many bus stops at Campo Grande. The buses to Obidos are operated by C-Tejo Rapida Verde. You pay your fare to the driver when getting on the bus. For our visit it cost 15.20 Euro per person round trip and took 1 hour each way. It was a very pleasant bus trip and you got to see a lot of the countryside.It is well worth a visit here if you want to escape Lisbon for a day. You might consider packing a picnic lunch if you are traveling on a budget.
    • amza69 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Obidos is a templer castle,with nice architetural line,with churches,some bars and restaurants,and with a lot of souvenirs shops...i drank in a bar and the bartender told us a lot of stuffs from history of portugal...the restaurants are good too,as starter i have eaten some bread with oil and garlic,which was the best....
    • MMBaron 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Because our rentacar GPS could not show suitable parking place, it took rather time to find. Main street inside wall was crowded which we could not imagine from outside. There are many small shops with local goods. Famous restaurant in Pousada was crowded at lunch time.
    • Eric_PAQUAY 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Obidos has the chance to be very well preserved through the time !The small city is still surrounded by the fortifications from another time, and a long aqueduc will welcome you, probably where you will park you car !Streets are narrow, and houses are respecting the architecture.The place seems quite popular, so you should not expect to see it empty.
    • creinhard 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      During Christmas times this nice romantic castle village is turned into a lovely Christmas village. During you stay you can enjoy the beautiful buildings and a typical ginja (drink). Best to see when it's getting dark.
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