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bantock house museum

  • 景点介绍
  • bantock house museum
  • 景点印象
    • NickyNoonoo1977 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderful place to visit for young and old. History galore, beautiful suroundings, fun things for children and a lovely cafe with yummy food !!
    • KevanMurphy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An excellent place we have visited repeatedly with our grandchildren. The house is fun with lots to do.
    • 614barryc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cafe excellent! Buildings & grounds an eye opener for the area, so clean & in good order. A pleasant & unexpected uplift to the tired spirit & body!
    • tobyp1234 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      For anyone who has never visited Bantock House, you are in for a real treat. The first thing is that is FREE which makes a change nowadays and there are so many lovely things to see. There is even a place for children to d a little brass rubbing. It's great.
    • 522keiths 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Dropped in to our local park for a cuppa with the granddaughters.Excellent service in the café, a nice walk and visit to my late parents' memorial bench and then a good long play on the swings, slides etc in the playground (for the Granddaughters - I'm a bit old for that now :))Also a nice walk around part of the park to view the snowdrops.Most relaxing!
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