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newark park

  • 景点介绍
  • newark park
    Newark Park stands proud on top of the Cotswold escarpment, looking down...
  • 景点印象
    • YoAndLeighVisit 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Newark Park, a National Trust Site, is a fascinating House. It sits on the edge of the Cotswold Escarpment. As a result the views are outstanding. It was built in several phases the first of which was a Tutor Hunting lodge. Take your time in the house as its story is a very interesting one. Be sure and go below stairs. There are some beautiful gardens and a park walk that takes you down to the Lake and past a Folly. The peacocks that have the run of the grounds are a joy to watch.
    • maroussiar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We got here quite accidentally as Dyrham Park was closed, and have rarely been happier.The children (4 & 2) were fascinated by the peacocks and hens strutting around. The grandparents had a game of croquet on the lawn. The garden and area are a beautiful surprise, looked after with care and love.Inside the house we were told you can sit on the chairs! A first in my NT experience. And there is dressing up. And a bell you can ring. And ring again.We will be back again. And again!
    • Iggiesr4me 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great National Trust property - lovely home & nice garden walks. Some food is available - make sure to save a little piece of bread for the beautiful peacock!
    • Brian379 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We read many reviews of this place before going and we weren't disappointed. It is a wonderful site with a great "shabby chic" feel to it and is filled with an eclectic collection of antiques, curios, paintings etc. The staff are really pleasant and helpful - more so than at larger buildings. The house is a real treasure - one of the few places where you can literally go into just about every nook and cranny - and it has a wonderful history about it too. The gardens are lovely and there are loads of places where you can sit and have a rest. The view from the terrace is simply breathtaking. There are estate walks of various duration; we chose the long one and it was stunning - fine weather on the day helped. The toilets are in a portakabin and are up-market - not what you expect from the outside - and very clean. The catering is outside from a sort of van but is good. They serve the best lemon drizzle cake we've ever had - you must try it. There are loads of picnic tables where you can take your ease and the whole of the estate lends itself for picnics if you fancy. We shared our food with 4 chickens and an exceptionally friendly peacock (optional !!). We enjoy all NT sites but this is one to which we shall keep returning. A hidden jewel as it were. The approach road is a little narrow admittedly but it certainly isn't a problem. Thank you to all the staff there. A couple of hours is more than sufficient for a visit but, if you are taking a long stroll, you will wish to stay longer. We were there over 3 1/2 hours. Wheelchair access is available only on the ground floor and and the immediate house gardens.
    • dwedmunds 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Don't expect your typical 'stately home', this property is something a bit different. Originally it was built as a Tudor hunting lodge but over the years additions turned it into a comfortable residence. The volunteers are very friendly & the whole place has a relaxed feel about it. There is a large grassed car park & a small entrance kiosk/shop. Next to this is a luxury portaloo! No toilets by the property but this is only a short walk from the entry kiosk. There is a temporary facility next to the house that serves light refreshments. The views from the house are fantastic & binoculars are supplied in some of the rooms. There is also a cellar to view that is worth a visit but I believe it may be only be open if there are sufficient voulnteers on the day, I may be wrong though.I've said that 1-2 hours are sufficent to view the property but as there are three estate walks ranging from 2 to 3.5 miles you can stay much longer. Enjoy!One thing to mention though is that the roads to & from the property are narrow with only a few passing places.
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