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norfolk and suffolk aviation museum

  • 景点介绍
  • norfolk and suffolk aviation museum
  • 景点印象
    • 163am 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stumbled across the museum and thought we would have a look. Five hours later we were still there, it was amazing. Lots to do and see. How many aircraft can they fit in one hanger? Knowledgeable volunteers who love to be asked questions.
    • rafaman 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Whilst holidaying with my family at Southwold I slipped away for a half day visit to this splendid museum. Being ex-RAF I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a wide range of exhibits all well displayed and much to interest anyone who served with the RAF post-war. The volunteers who maintain this place are to be congratulated. It is well worth a visit.
    • gnolect 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is not your ordinary war museum of historical artifacts. It is a collection of actual battlefield and civil defense items collected and put together by a dedicated group of amazing volunteers. It covers many different aspects of aviation history. We were there specifically to see the 446th Bomber Group Museum and were very moved by it. It's a free museum and we enjoyed it more than many larger, more formal collections we have seen.
    • gsmiley475 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Set in a tranquil rural setting, cows in adjacent field. Apart from the external display there are two hangars housing a multitude of exhibits. Small collections featuring Bomber Command, Royal Observer Corps, 446 USAAF Bomb G.roup & Air Sea Rescue/Coastal Command all have their own dedicated buildings. Plenty of information on local aviation history. A souveneir shop and refreshments are also available. Picnic tables for fine weather.Admission is free but it is well worth a generous donation.
    • graham_cambs 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We travel up and down the A143 coming from Cambridge to visit a friend in Lowestoft several times a year and both my partner and I have been intrigued by the little brown sign pointing to "Aviation Museum". Today we were returning from one such visit and had time on our hands so we turned off the A143 and found this gem. Were we surprised!!! From the moment we turned in, facing a Javelin and Super Sabre it was amazing! How they have managed to squeeze so many exhibits into such a small area is incredible, full size aircraft, scale models, photos, documentary evidence all there. The museum includes an Air Sea Rescue museum, a Bomber Command museum, a Royal Observer Corps museum and a 446th Group museum. There is also a NAAFI serving very reasonably priced refreshments and a small souvenir shop and the Adair walk along a raised walkway through the woods to the river Waveney with information signs along the route.If you are travelling on the A143 and have a few hours to spare please take the opportunity to visit this little diamond hidden in the beautiful Waveney valley. It is free to enter but, I am sure, like us, by the end of your visit you will want to leave a generous donation!
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