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go ape at wyre forest

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  • go ape at wyre forest
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    • PauliWorcester 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I took my daughter there last weekend as she had been wanted to go there for ages and this was the first free day I had.We booked this online, which in a way was beneficial as you can indicate your preferred starting time. I think that they have a maximum number for each time so if you just turn up when you feel like it you might not get your preferred starting time. When we arrived we had to sit around for a few minutes while the others in the group arrived. Once we were all there and had completed all the usual health and safety forms etc we were shown over to an area supervised by an instructor who showed you how to use the equipment, in particular the safety harnesses. It's very important that you follow a set pattern using the harnesses as this will dramatically reduce the risk of you becoming unsafe.Anyway after attending this section and getting into our harnesses we then went to another area to try them out by climbing a small set of ladders and walking along a wire to ensure we all knew exactly what we were doing and that we could use the equipment properly. The only snag with this was that it took well over and hour and we hadn't yet started walking through the trees. As for the harnesses, I not only had to wear one around my waist but for some unknown reason had to wear one around my chest too which I found restricted my movements somewhat. My daughter has diabetes and we have to carry equipment like needles and blood test kits etc around with us, so the staff were very helpful by supplying us with a pouchy for the equipment that I could attach to my harness.When we eventually got started it was great. For most of the walk you're about 40 - 50 feet above the ground and there are three zip wires, two of which are quite long. There was also a tunnel and some rings to walk along. There are also parts where you can take the easy way round if things become a little difficult which allows you to miss out certain sections. It's a combination of swinging, climbing, walking, jumping into nets and general mucking about and it's great for people of all ages. We both loved it and although the tree walk itself takes a little over two hours, with the training beforehand you need to add at least another 90 minutes to the overall time.The best parts are the zip wires and the jumping into the nets, as one of the jumps has a sharp descent before you rise again and crash into the ropes. After the adventure ends you walk back up the hill to the reception are and they will help you to remove your equipment and give you the obligatory certificates. There are also various memento's on sale including T shirts and hoodies.Overall summary - a great adventure and a good way of spending a morning or afternoon. If the weather is not great, at least the trees offer some relief from the weather.One word of caution though, you will need to go to the toilet before you go which is based at the cafe near to the reception desk; as there's nowhere on the walk itself. However, they do have water stations which is helpful when walking round.
    • CraigwsEr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited with my two boys (5 and 9) and did the junior trail with them. They had been before and wanted to show Dad what they can do. Which they did, when I could keep up! This is great fun, well set up and very professional, really sorted out the safety so you feel completely secure! The 5 stars is given for the staff who were extremely helpful. Learned the children's nAmes and chatted to them as we went round multiple times (as it was not busy!) can not recommend this place enough!
    • 80nickh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited Go Ape to celebrate a family members 60th birthday, in fact 3 over 60's completed the course and enjoyed it just as much as the younger members of the party. The instructors and staff are helpful and the initial briefing was thorough. The 5 stages begin with a fairly easy traverse and a short zip wire, each successive stage becoming more challenging and ending finally with a very long zip wire. Great fun for all ages.
    • 940nickyh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took our daughter and two friends to Wyre Forest for tree top junior experience to celebrate her 10th Birthday on Sunday August 3rd.What an amazing time they had! The staff there are fantastic; really enthusiastic and good fun whilst being extremely safety conscious at the same time. Craig deserves a special mention , as he was especially good, as was Michele.The girls had a wonderful time in the trees and on the zip wire and are keen to return. Would not hesitate to recommend this activity.
    • LisaH965 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went as a party of four, two adults and two children (12 & 14).We decided to take the advice on the Go Ape website of taking the earliest time available which was alot more beneficial as numbers were small and you could ease your way around the five stations on the Tree Top Adventure (2-3 hours) without feeling pressured. Very energetic three hours of unexpected heights, thrills and spills!Would definately recommend taking a camera to catch the days events and also would recommend taking a pair of gloves for ease around the course especially if it's a wet day.All in all it is not a cheaper day out but we do think you definately get what you pay for and you have the onsite cafe and facilities that the Wyre Forest provide.Also no hard sell of any products at the end of the course! Thanks Go Ape, keep up the fab work.
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