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sussex prairies garden

  • 景点介绍
  • sussex prairies garden
  • 景点印象
    • Hambrook 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      its all about immersion isn't it .. once you are inside the fabulous big borders you become immersed in colour texture and movement if there is the slightest of breezes. We are so glad you enjoyed that experience and found your piece of heaven ! Thank you for your review !
    • 680carolineb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      amazing- ly lovely review thank you ! we always wanted people to have that total immersion in flowers , textures and structure and it sounds as though you have been able to enjoy just that. As for the bees and butterflies at the moment ,as you walk through the borders just now it is like being in a Fellini film with butterflies arising up before you ! we love the fact that our plantings are encouraging such a range of insects and birdlife too . Certainly we seem to be giving Nature a Prairie Home this summer!
    • HilaryH700 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we are delighted that you loved our garden as much as we do ! we very purposefully put the paths right into the borders so we could take all of you right inside the landings as we feel that so helps you experience the wonder and colour and texture of the garden ! we look forward to welcoming you back again to our hidden gem !
    • Michael8133 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      so glad you fns our hidden gem ! and you are right we are very close to Brighton so perfect for that day out in the countryside ... perfect weather at the moment makes it ideal to enjoy our big flowery time in the borders ! and this year the garden is especially big and boisterous after all that winter rain.Glad you enjoyed our delicious ice cream.. so hard to decide which flavours to try next ! Thank you for your very kind review we look forward to welcoming you back again.
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thank you for your lovely review of our garden ! we are so pleased to hear from people who have had a great experience here with us and our garden. We think it is beautiful (but we are biased after all !) so it is wonderful to hear how much of an inspiration it can be . Walking among the borders is the best thing possible to get up close and personal with plants and get that true prairie experience. Come again soon !
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