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land of the lost content museum

  • 景点介绍
  • land of the lost content museum
  • 景点印象
    • JulieCohesion 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the most unusual museum I've been to in years, and while you're going round you think of someone else who would love it - I heard several people (including our own party) say "I've got to bring xxxx here, they'd love that!". It's a hard place to describe, Stella, who curates and runs it, is a true artist who has dedicated her life to collecting items that belong to ordinary people of the past century, and together with her husband, have literally CRAMMED as much as they can into this quirky, fascinating building, with home made signs and packed displays. From rooms about wartime to toys and television, to specialist displays such as cameras, Butlins, The Beatles and Post Offices, it's suitable for all ages. Children will love the massive mobile phones and the fashions - I love the old fashioned hair dresser display and the Avon Pomanders and Soap on a Ropes! These items are used to dress sets in theatres, museums and TV and it's so well priced and in the lovely setting of Craven Arms, right by the railway station. It also has a little cafe. It's so packed I'll have to go back and see more…. It's quite tightly packed so not suitable for pushchairs and it takes around 1.5 - 2 hours to look round properly.
    • 573stephenr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Two main groups will love this attraction: anyone over 40 and anyone under 18. It says at the entrance that children must keep their parents under control at all times and it certainly was like that! My boys loved seeing the stuff from the Dark Ages of the 70's and Dad's stuff of his childhood. The toy display was fascinating and the tracing paper loo roll raised a titter! Perfect afternoon and very reasonable entrance fee.
    • moperrins 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We wanted somewhere to go with our adult children. It was perfect. Loads of different articles and items that took two generations back in time. Things our parents use to talk about, and toys etc our children use to play with. I would advise you to give yourselves plenty of time to go round this tardis of past times. Absolutely great. Both generations were enthralled . Surprisingly, at many items, we all stood and had discussions about what we remembered. It's a must!
    • fififromgideon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderfully interesting jumble of stuff from my childhood era and before, you are bound to be saying "wow I remember those". Well worth a visit if you want to feel nostalgic, and the entry price is good.
    • 645martinh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I recently escorted a group of 22 Seniors to this attraction. Having been here myself I thought that this would be a wonderful nostalgic place for them. Unfortunately, they and I were sadly disappointed . I had not been for 4 years and it seems that items have just been added to a degree where the overall impression is of a junk shop of left overs. I know there are a great number of wonderful exhibits but feel that 'less could be more'. The place has an atmosphere of dirt and grime, mainly because of the overcrowding. My group were scheduled for an hour but some came straight out most emerged after 10-15 minutes and all were out in 35 minutes. Please remove 25 - 30% of the exhibits and clean the display areas, make the walkways less of a trip hazard , especially for the elderly. This will restore it to the wonderful attraction it was before. Unfortunately, I will not be using this on my group toursuntil I can be certain it is what it was.
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