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battle of britain bunker

  • 景点介绍
  • battle of britain bunker
  • 景点印象
    • smcaffrey 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Tours by appointment only and a little hard to find with all the development in the area but a wonderful historic site with a really great tour guide! Would highly recommend for any WWII history buffs. Also comes with a small but interesting museum. They had recently had some flooding but did a great job working around those issues and our planning a new visitor center soon!
    • MatthewR89 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The bunker tour was highly informative and the museum holds mny very interesting items. I've done the tour twice now and both guides were fantastic and very knowledgable. Highly recommended. Fortuntely the flood in July didn't damage the bunker or museum. Give generoualy qhen you go as the tours rely entirely on donations.
    • Jersey-NOLA 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      . . . but this was the moment that Churchill and Fighter Command held their breath.Site to one of the most critical events in history, this the place where the Battle of Britain was won. Extremely knowledgeable volunteers guide to through the once top-secret facility. Restored to the critical moment of the Battle of Britain, 1100 hours, September 15, 1940, everything is as it was as the first German raid of the day approached London. This is when Churchill asked the question, “"What other reserves have we?" To which Keith Park replied "There are none."September 15 has since been remembered annually as Battle of Britain Day. Everything is wonderfully explained by extremely friendly and very competent guides. Well versed, they made me happy emphasizing the role of the Polish squadrons during the battle, and on this day in particular. One display outdoors are a Spitfire, and a Hurricane, which is in the markings of the famous 303 Polish Squadron.An unforgettable visit for anyone interested in World War II, everyone will enjoy the place, judging by the reactions of my wife, others accompanying the “buffs,” and the group of young Indonesian students who were there during my visit. Usually open by appointment, check their website for open weekends. The site will eventually transfer from an RAF facility to public museum. Free, but a donation of three Pounds was recommended, I very happily donated more, and bought some books and a coffee mug.
    • fechenheimkid 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a privilege to visit this corner of our history; a fitting memorial, I suppose, to those who served here. The introductory film, sober and thoroughly informative, is an excellent preparation for what you will see in the bunker. Then, the few rooms of museum have exhibits of unusually high quality and interest. Highly recommended and a credit to those who run it.
    • CarberyMan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I absolutely loved the tour of the bunker. As a WWII student I found it incredibly interesting. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and the bunker is fascinating. It is unbelievable how the total system was created! Incredible visual displays to formulate a defense against the German attackers! A must to see for WWII followers as well as those that appreciate project planning. Highly recommended.
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