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strawberry hill house

  • 景点介绍
  • strawberry hill house
    Visiting Strawberry Hill is a truly theatrical experience. On approach to...
  • 景点印象
    • geoffbovingdon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This building is so well restored and explained by the room guides. The displays are well detailed and the fully restored rooms are a delight, while those still being worked on are shown a a sympathetic manner. Timed entry means that there is no crowding and if you are a National Trust member then entry is half price. The whole place is very good value for money even at full price. However, the restaurant leaves a lot to be desired as it is overpriced in the extreme.My partner would have liked the cheese on toast but was abruptly informed that it only came on granary bread which she cannot eat. What if the problem of having a loaf of plain brown or white bread in the kitchen? So we ordered the Pygge Pye. Well if there was a prize for blandness these would have won hands down. A small pork pie with a crinkly edge filled with the most fatty and unappetising meat we have seen for a long time and with no appreciable flavour of anything other than the dollop of piccalli on the top and a few salad leaves around it. All for the princely sum of £5.95!! A 500ml carafe of house wine is £13.00. All served by staff who would not be out of place running a concentration camp. And then they have the cheek to add a 10% service charge to your bill which you have to ask to be removed. This is what happens when the catering is outsourced, in this case to a company called Brula. It spoiled our visit as everything else is very good.
    • lizandianp 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I went to a wedding reception here several years ago when the college still occupied the house. Then I thought how much in need of TLC it was all salmon pink décor. What a transformation.It is hard to imagine that this was a rich boy's bachelor pad, there is so much gold leaf and intricate moulding..The Gothic Horror genuinely originate here long before Bram Stoker..The ticket takes the form of a guide book written and printed by Horace Walpole himself with notes to bring it up to date.The Strawbery Hill Trust are trying to find pictures and furniture of the 1780s as sadly the contents were sold off in 1842.This is a work in progress with more rooms to be restored.The shell seat in the garden needs repair.I think they close for the winter in the first week of November.There is a lift.
    • bobbyd296 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had the opportunity to visit this estate, set beautifully in the Richmond/Twickenham area; the history and story behind this charming mansion has been magnificently captured through their lawns and the great and warm reception offered to the guests that visit to savour their scones and clotted cream or crumpets with jam. It was a real delight to find this place, as although I live in London, I never took the time to enjoy such sorroundings and would definitely recommend this to all who visit the country or want a peaceful and civilised environment on any afternoon. the restaurant staff are attentive and helpful and happy to indulge your every wimp. I tried the little shop on site and could not help but have a whole tub of Loseley Icecream!
    • InfoseekUK 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I looked at the opening times and noticed the Garden was open at 10am but the house 12pm, suggesting there is a good garden, hence the two hour gap, but I also noticed it does not say Strawberry HIll House and Gardens suggesting the garden is nothing to shout about, it was the latter the garden is a bit plain. The house has lots of nice/different features such as arched doors not the usual rectangular, the stain glass windows are great - esp the semi circle in the tower. There are also some interesting fire places the stair case is not what I expected, I would have expected it to mirror the shape of the doors/windows. The library shelving is interesting although I am not too keen on the painting on the ceiling (not in line with the rest of the house). There is a beautiful room with the while and gold (Russian style) ornate ceiling - very nice. Staff friendly and help full and there are free lockers outside the house so you don't need to carry your bag around with you. Some of the rooms are not finished yet but I am sure they will be great when complete
    • asquill 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fascinating house with bags of history and quirky styles. Renovations continue so suspect I need to return after next year when they are due to finish. Difficult to wander around on your own as the voluntary guiding staff,although charming, are a bit enthusiastic. Good cafe
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