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bentley priory museum

  • 景点介绍
  • bentley priory museum
  • 景点印象
    • anthonyh416 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thank you for taking the time to review your visit to Bentley Priory Museum. We're glad that you enjoyed visiting the Museum on our 1940s themed day in September to commemorate the 74th year anniversary of the Battle of Britain. It's great to have feedback on what elements of your visit you enjoyed, such as the film and the handling collection, and identifying areas that might need development. We are currently working on the design of a new website, which should be launched in Spring 2015.
    • RainKing1987 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thank you for taking the time to give feedback on your visit to Bentley Priory Museum. We're glad that you enjoyed exploring the Museum's exhibitions and the view of the formal Italian Gardens. We are currently reviewing the signage to the Museum, and hope to make changes to make it easier for visitors to locate the Museum.
    • JohnD155 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Until recently I did not know that Bentley Priory was now a museum, I used to go there when I was a very young boy with my parents on a walk from Brockhurst corner via the public footpath up to Stanmore to watch the cricket on the common. I remember when the war was on I used to go up there with other boys to the grounds of the big house which was The Fighter Command Head Quarters, there was a very small plane that used to take off from the lawns of the house out over the lake which is now a nature reserve.Our recent visit to the old house was wonderful and brought back so many memories of my boy hood, it was great to see where our war time heroes operated from and what they did to keep this great country free from our enemies, the grounds are superb and maintained to a very high standard. How good it was to see on your arrival to the big house the Spitfire and Hurricane fighters taking pride of place on the front lawn (replica's of course). It was well worth the visit and I would recommend it as a place to see, I am sure that I will visit there again soon to have another trip down memory lane
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Despite looking at the website for directions, it was impossible to find due to total lack of signage. I only found it because of other comments on TripAdvisor, not from the museum's own information.What is there is interesting, but there's not much and only a couple of rooms really worth visiting. Not much for £9 each. I feel it is really poor value for money.
    • LJO67 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Check out their website for directions and don't be put off by the gates into the estate as getting here is quite a challenge. A sign outside the gates would be a good idea!! Once there the museum is small and impeccably set up. Guides are well informed and plentiful but it is easy to walk around unaided if you prefer, just ask. Excellent feel for the WW2 years and the air force in particular and there is a cafe down by the gardens when you need some reflection or relaxation time. Excellent hour or two.
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