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walworth castle birds of prey

  • 景点介绍
  • walworth castle birds of prey
    Award winning WCBOP, formerly Northside Falconry is based in the stunning...
  • 景点印象
    • sandraf722 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I booked a falconry day for my partner as his surprise Christmas present. After hours of reviewing several venues, I settled on Walworth Castle Birds of Prey, which had grabbed my attention from the first look. It really didn't disappoint, from the initial hello to the final goodbye we were totally absorbed by Tori & David's knowledge, love of their beautiful birds and the facility itself. Their enthusiasm is infectious & I defy anyone not to enjoy spending time at the centre.The grin never left my partners face as he flew various owls & then took a Harris Hawk for a walk in the woods.We cannot recommend this experience highly enough & will be returning time & again to experience all the centre has to offer.
    • rabycat 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have been here on a number of occasions and now class Tori and David as our friends..the knowledge they share is fantastic and the love of the birds shine through. Hubby is going on a hunting day which he is really looking forward to...this is a great family place to visit and the price is really value for money...a fantastic place to come for a day out and chill with great people and fab birds....amazing amazing amazing....The castle grounds are great as well and the food is lovely in the castle...overall a fantastic place to visit.
    • Jazmine88 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My partner and I originally found walworth castle birds of pray when we were at a wedding at the castle. We watched the first display, then came back for the second, which showed all differed birds. We booked a hawk walk when we were there, which was amazing. We got shown all the birds, with their stories, habits, territories etc. Very informative, and very enjoyable, we ended that day with a walk through the woods with Frankie the Harris hawk. It was amazing to see her flitting through the trees! Today we had a hunting day, which was phenomenal. We arrived at the centre and were taken, with two Harris hawks (big red and molly), two ferrets, and a lovely dog,hunting in the woods a few miles away. We had a very successful day, and were shown the girls in action, working with the ferrets and the dog, to catch their pray. Truely amazing day! Tori and David have been lovely every time we have been, their passion shows in everything they do. Would highly recommended this place to anyone
    • br73 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Came here last weekend to attend a hawk walk on the morning and owl encounter on the afternoon and had a brilliant time. Tori and David are both knowledgeable and entertaining. They made the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable. I would definitely recommend doing both experiences. I bought it for my dads christmas present and it was great. The hawk walk through the forest was different to anything we had done before so we loved it. There were plenty of photo opportunities and chances for Alice to land on your arm. The owl encounter was lovely to learn about the different owls and their stories. I would love to come here again. Thank you Tori and David!
    • paddyw 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Both Tori and David expertly shared there passion, knowledge and deep deep understanding of these birds. We hade an amazing hands on experience with a Harris hawk who was still in training and it was Soo good.i have visited a couple of centres but this is the only one where I truly felt part of the day If I could rate this place a 10 I would.
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