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stondon transport museum

  • 景点介绍
  • stondon transport museum
  • 景点印象
    • JoyFancuttBurger 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The first and most striking thing I noticed on walking into this museum is the friendliness and casual attitude. If you're looking for posh pomp and a snooty restaurant ...you're not going to find it here! My Husband & Son are true Motor-heads, they LOVED every minute at this museum. You can touch the cars and peer inside, stand next-to the displays and discuss your memories without being rushed along. There are no open spaces to bore you, every inch of the place has something displayed. Even a huge missile carrier, with the missile on-board. It just goes on and on with something different and delightful around every bend. The ladies in the cafe offer a very friendly and efficient service. Good value for money all round. My only criticism is that there is nowhere for the elderly to have a little rest on the long journey through the display. It's a little like Ikea, no short-cuts back to the cafe. Wonderful none the less!
    • Worldreamer 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An amazing collection of old cars housed higgledy piggldey in a series of leaky sheds. Whether you are aged 19 or 90 you will find that first car you ever owned here.
    • angiemac79 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We wanted somewhere that wouldn't take too long to get around( it takes about an hour ) which suited us as we only had an afternoon to spare. After a cuppa in the little cafe we wandered around at all the lovely motors my favourite was the Russian missiles it sitting across from a double decker bus ! This is one man's dream collection who offers it to the public to share with him . A very selfless thing to do. Thanks for sharing your life's work with My family we loved all the variety and even doctor who's eyeball made me smile!
    • 543terryw 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Not only is this the quirky'ist museum around - which I love about it, but also over Easter they have a riddle / treasure hunt on. 'When can I do the hunt again' was the best comment from my daughter yesterday. Well done Stondon Motor Museum a brilliant day out xxx
    • WillandJules 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum is packed with hundreds of cars of all ages. I took my dad there and he loved it, it was great to see the smile on his face and to listen to his stories and memories. It also brought back memories of my child hood in the seventies. It's well worth a visit and easy to find, once you've completed your visit you could call into the golf club which is just next door for a relaxing drink.
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