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auchindrain highland farm township

  • 景点介绍
  • auchindrain highland farm township
    Auchindrain/Achadh an Droighinn is a very special place - the only...
  • 景点印象
    • Stevenchunk 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gosh, this is horrible! Are you SURE it was Auchindrain you visited, not somewhere else? We don't have an "owner" because the museum is run by a charity, and we don't have a man in a shack! November, when you say you came here, is out of season and our visitor facilities are closed. However, during the winter, when the gate is open because we are here for maintenance work we are pleased to allow people in free of charge for a wander round if they want. In November just 33 people did so in the whole month: the great majority of those were prospective bidders for a contract we were advertising, and were both expected and very much welcomed. Any visitor who comes to the museum's office out of season is given a free guidebook, offered the use of our staff loos if required, and very often one of us then goes round and unlocks the buildings specially for them. That's what we do, and we pride ourselves on our reputation for friendliness and helpfulness. As you say manners and niceness cost nothing, but quite apart from that no attraction which takes part in the VisitScotland Quality Assurance scheme and lists itself here on TripAdvisor would treat visitors rudely and abruptly - sorry, but this just doesn't ring true. The only circumstances in which someone might receive a slightly less than welcoming response is if they turn up without an appointment attempting to sell goods or services door to door. In such circumstances we inform them that we don't do business that way and invite them to send us information by post or email so we can look at it properly. But that has only happened once so far this winter, and that was in January, not November.Either way, please contact us direct at info@auchindrain.org.uk. We need some more details from you so that we can hold an internal investigation, and we would like to offer you a voucher for a free return visit with lunch or tea, in the summer. Do please get in touch.
    • 917RichardM917 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited Auchindrain in Easter after staying for a few nights in Inveraray. Spent lots time walking around and exploring the history of the site - absolutely loved it. All the staff we met were very friendly and knowledgeable. Will certainly pop in again when we're back in this beautiful part of the world.
    • 32erict 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we visited Auchindrain not really knowing what to expect, but we're very pleasantly surprised but the various time periods represented. The visit brought back many memories of my formative years on a farm.I would heartily recommend a visit to Auchindrain. The food is also very good as well!
    • helenp416 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Really interesting place to visit with lots to look at. Have had a few lovely days out here over the years. Tea shop is a great addition
    • LavenderRosemary 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very interesting place to visit. Atmospheric and surrounded by beautiful countryside. Good tea shop.
    • SandyL266 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was with a group of 25 touring Scotland in late August. We had just arrived in the country. The weather was damp. We were jet lagged. Our first stop was Auchindrain. We were warmly welcomed. Bob gave us a wonderful tour. His passion was contagious. In spite of our lack of sleep, there was no problem keeping our interest. The weather only added to the remarkable stories of how our ancestors lived before emigrating to America and countries further away. The tour was followed by a lovely lunch. Soups and baked good are made on the premises. Some of the ingredients are grown on site.This is an amazing place in a very convenient location. Don't miss it !
    • TheWingco 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Only a few minutes out of Inverarary and well worth the drive. Brings home to you what pitiful conditions people lived in back in the day.
    • GypsyFooted2 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have visited Auchindrain Highland Township Farm twice and it is always fascinating. The history is fascinating. Don't miss the tearoom for homemade soups and desserts. The staff is wonderful!
    • Sjgregory 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took the children here on a damp day in the summer holidays. The township is well preserved and it was easy to imagine how hard life was living here. There was nobody around the township to help to explain how people lived but generally would recommend as a day out
    • Artair 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My wife and I spotted this place among the multitude of leaflets available in our Portsonachan hotel. If you have any interest in history, this is a place not to missed. It is about 10 minutes by car south of Inveraray and is a reputed to be one of the last farming townships in Scotland. There are about 20 buildings which show how life was for crofting folk in the 17 and 1800s. The last inhabitant left in the mid 1900s. Don't look for gravel paths and tidy lawns as this is still a working farm. The houses and barns are open and it is possible to see where the families lived side by side with their animals. Very much life in the raw. Use your imagination and think how it compares to our modern cosy lifestyle. We felt the place was very thought provoking and ideal to spend a couple of hours wandering around. A guide book is given on receipt of the entrance fee and contains details of the people who lived in the houses. The visitor centre has a nice tea room and a small shop. Thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
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