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peebles golf club

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  • peebles golf club
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    • florida17 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the 3rd time i have played this course and it is a great course for all handicap golfers. A well laid out course with every hole having a different way of playing it. A excellent clubhouse were all visitors are made welcome with great service and excellent catering. Well worth the visit.
    • towniegirlie 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The catering in the Clubhouse is consistently good whether you visit for a meal or a snack. Food is well priced, portions are great, food is well presented. Drinks are reasonably priced too. Nice views too.
    • wyziwyg 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My brother and I played this excellent course on a beautiful summers day in July. The course was in lovely condition and the greens were superb. It was a pleasure to play except............we had the misfortune to be playing in front of a member three ball, one of whom clearly has no time for visitors on "his" course. He harassed us for the first few holes, hands on hips, shouting "hurry up, play faster" etc. After a while I could take no more and told him to back off. We finished our round on time, having at times waited patiently and happily behind two elderly members ahead of us and we were at least a hole ahead of the "moaner." I mentioned his behaviour to the club secretary who knew immediately who it was, and said he would "have a word." Why am I writing this? Because it is characters like this who stop people taking up the game of golf. He spoilt our experience and we are pretty hard headed businessmen. I am a 13 handicapper, my brother plays occasionally. However, the clubhouse is modern and has a lovely balcony to enjoy a couple of cold beers. The other members we met and all the staff were very friendly. One even drew a map for us to get to Muirfield easier, a lovely touch. I would love to play the course again and will one day, hoping Mr Full Of Himself, "ex Captain don't you know", is having a day off.
    • GordonK750 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On 080913 I played at Peebles GC with four other golfers, we went out in. 3 ball and a 2 ball. Prior to playing we had a snack in the clubhouse which was delicious. The course was in excellent condition and although not as long as a lot of courses you had to think your way round the course. The greens were fast but very true. After the round of golf we had a meal in the clubhouse, the meals were excellent.The staff in the clubhouse made you feel very welcome and the service both at the bar and whilst having our meal could not be faulted, nothing was any trouble and always with a smile.All in all a great day was had by all.
    • Marianne1943 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An interesting hilly course with lovely views over the town & hills on both sides. A friendly Clubhouse with excellent catering, whether for a snack or full meal at good value prices.
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