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discover amazonia

  • 景点介绍
  • discover amazonia
  • 景点印象
    • DougieLee 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Got on a groupon deal but did not turn out to be any kind of bargain! We seen one butterfly througout our vist and the leaf eating ants were non existent! To be honest most of the other animals just looked sad, I would never recommend to anyone.
    • JudithG983 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had an interesting time looking at all the animals and watching the flyimg. make sure you feed the fish!
    • DavidMossop 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great petting room where you can hold a tarantula and a snake. Butterflies zooming about the place and some grand Koi that just want fed over and over. A nice change of pace after the theme park rides
    • VikkiC46 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had a lovely time at Amazonia. We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent here.We did not have high expectations - perhaps those who left poor reviews had set their sights too high? It is not a large area and i personally did not 'make much' out of the nocturnal area - too dark to see much. This was to be expected obviously. If you had night vision goggles then it would have been great.So glad we went into the handling room, well worth the £1, they could easily up this to £2 per person. The young guy who showed us the 3 select animals was really pleasant and made us feel totally at ease with these creatures. This has to be the highlight.If you go just after it opens then you will get more time to look in peace at the animals that are there. Nice little gift shop too. There seemed to be too many staff members milling about though.We highly recommend a visit to Amazonia.
    • 396erical 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its a nice wee place but don't think they should be charging as there's really not much in it ... The staff were all very nice and helpful xxx
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