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loch lomond bird of prey centre

  • 景点介绍
  • loch lomond bird of prey centre
    Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Centre is located in the natural woodland. With...
  • 景点印象
    • Deringer 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was great to see so many different types of owls, including the 5 you would see in the UK. All the birds were in excellent condition and were kept in spotless aviaries. Stewart obviously has a great relationship with all his birds and is really knowledgable, he is great to watch when interacting with his birds. There was a great selection of Eagles, Hawks and Falcons too. I think people are missing the point with entrance fees at centres like this. It is not about value for money it is about supporting the upkeep of these wonderful birds. They also take in injured wild birds and will release them when recovered. Often these centres are manned by unpaid volunteers who 'sweep up' for the love of the birds, not to waste your entrance fee. Birds not in aviaries are always going to be tethered(not restrained). Birds only fly when they need to hunt so would spend most of their time resting anyway. There are plans for a display arena and bird handling/hawk walk activities are available.There is an education centre with lots of of information and 'exhibits' and Stewart will answer any questions you may have. There is a feeding station where you can watch wild birds/ squirrels and rats.If you are in the area and are interested in Birds of Prey it is well worth a visit- we were staying in The Cairngorms and drove for 3 hours specifically to visit this centre. We sponsored one of the British Owls so that we can be part of his upkeep.
    • Louise2911 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      £8 per adult and £4 per child for a walk that took 20 minutes. Very little interaction with staff and no opportunity to do anything other than stare at birds in cages. It is the worst value for money attraction I have ever taken my son to.
    • Butchblackaces 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      These birds seem a lot happier than they were up at Balloch garden centre and olla the golden eagle seems to look a lot healthier in her new home ,well worth a visit from anyone who likes birds especially raptors ,Yes its £6 to see them but that is to feed the birds and see they are well cared for so in my eyes money well spent .
    • lint0na 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Re visiting scotland a as we have for the past 3 years. Bird of prey centre is definitely on of our ports of call.Well worth a visit, for the young old and Disabled. Stewart and all of the staff are on hand to answer any questions, In fact at times they welcome a quick 10 minutes rest. Only joking they work hard to ensure a safe and pleasurable life for birds that have been rescued. Birds are tethered this is in order to prevent the birds flying off. Surely this is the only way we can fully appreciate the bird which has the ability to flap wings and jump down of their perch. Much better than being behind bars.lintop53@hotmail.co.Lord Linton Paul AdamsAdele Holland P's Stewart see you next year August 2015. We will bring the photo of Heather with Mozart on her arm ? How she held it.
    • susans626 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      After reading a few of the most recent reviews I felt the need to write about my own experience. I am an avid animal lover and my love of birds is actually a big hobby of mine. While I do get slightly excited when I see the birds of prey outside at shopping centres etc, part of it doesn't rest well with me as I know enough about birds to know that a little owl is going to be feeling very nervous stuck so close to a large eagle and so I don't feel having this variety of birds out tied up so close together is good for the birds, and my concern will always be for the welfare of the animals before anything else. This is one of the reasons why I loved my visit to the loch lomond bird of prey centre. It's not so much focused on being an 'entertainment centre' for people and instead focuses on what matters - the care and well being of these beautiful birds. The owner Stewart is clearly so devoted to his birds and it's such a lovely experience to witness the affection and relationship between them. There is a large variety of birds of prey on show and each comes with some information on the species and also some information on the unique personality of each bird itself which is a really nice touch. I visited the centre with my husband and although we maybe were only there for half an hour or so...we were perfectly happy to know our admission charges help a place like this continue to run.A visit to see Orla is always worth it as I always recognise her from springwatch/winterwatch. Another great touch to finish off our visit was to see all the newspaper stories related to the centre on the wall in the little hut. A very heart warming experience, and Stewart was very lovely to chat to.
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