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lough navar forest viewpoint

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  • lough navar forest viewpoint
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    • HabLeaf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A really great viewpoint with an overlook of Lower Lough Erne. We drove up and down the road out of Enniskillen a couple of times before finding it as it is hopelessly signposted. I was here many years ago but despite this we were almost beat in our efforts to locate it.We were not alone in this as relatives never even found it at all during the same weekend, such was the inadequate signage.When you get to the forest the surface is a bit uneven and rough in places but the view is worth it. A good attraction which is undersold by Fermanagh and almost devoid of visitors the day we visited, despite it being in the peak holiday time.
    • TMcMurray_12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It amazes me every time I visit this place, that a tiny country such as Northern Ireland can contain this scene. From the viewpoint, admittedly depending upon the prevailing weather, you can see four counties in two countries, a huge lake, islands, forests, a powerful river and an ocean - and all with but a minimal human foot print. I visited this site repeatedly when I mapped the area as a geology student, almost on a daily basis and I still love it!It appears on some places as the Cliffs of Magho but more modern maps have the viewpoint marked.I took my girlfriend there for the first time last week and she fell in love with the place too.I mentioned the weather, the locals told me an adage during my studies - "if you can't see the cliffs of Magho, it's raining, if you can see them it's about to rain."In other words, don't forget your wet weather gear if you plan to stray far from your vehicle.There is a track from the shore of Lower Lough Erne to the viewpoint, but it's only for the fit.The drive to the viewpoint through Lough Navar Forest is very pleasant with a load of pleasant little vistas on the roadside.
    • begration 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Never heard of this place until I came to live here. I dont think you get a better viewpoint outside of the Grand Canyon. It has to be seen to be believed. Amazing. Views of the Atlantic to the west, as well as Donegal, al the way to the east. Oh my. I have been her ein winter watching snow squalls race across the land and in summer on a day so clear you feel you can touch the cirrus that go by. If you come to Fermanagh go here. Dont dither or hum or ha, go here, see the view. Then realise I was right.
    • Rainb0w09 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lough Navar Forest is a well laid out and signposted forest drive near Derrygonnelly culminating in an amazing panoramic view over Lower Lough Erne. On a clear day you can see from the Atlantic Donegal Coast in the distance over Castle Caldwell and to Castle Archdale. There are plenty of picnic opportunities and lots of walks too.
    • rodriguez_7 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This viewpoint overlooks lower Lough Erne, and is the best I've seen in Ireland - a whole island of lake views. I think it's a must for anyone sightseeing in Fermanagh. The vista extends from the Atlantic in the west, to much of Fermanagh and Donegal. And it's free! It's accessed via a long winding road near Derrygonnelly, which for a forest road has a reasonable surface. Just when you think you'll never get there, you're through the trees and stunned by the majestic view. There is a large car park with helpful signs, and a poignant memorial to the youg airmen who died on these waters during the battle of the Atlantic.And the view.?.........In a word, - Grandeur. The exit road remains poor, no place for a racing bike, but passable with care. For the athletic, an old path climbing up from the shore road has recently been restored. I haven't tried it, but it'd be quite a workout!
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