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bucharest party on

  • 景点介绍
  • bucharest party on
    Party ON is the premier Bucharest nightlife service catering exclusively...
  • 景点印象
    • iBbangin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you're visiting Bucharest then I'd thoroughly recommend this as a way to learn about the city whilst having a great night out - perfect for your first day there. Our guide Rucsandra certainly had a lot of enthusiasm for what she was doing, and made it one of the most memorable experiences of the holiday! A party definitely worth doing :)
    • thomashahnster87 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had a great time! Would recommend it to anyone! A bit expensive for what you get, though, it would be nice to get a little drink at each bar or something. But great people who runs this business :-)
    • 428kristianj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In november 2014, me and 13 friends visited Bucharest. During our stay from wednesday to sunday. Rucsandra and Stengaru was very very friendly and service minded. We booked the pubcrawl event, and a table at Bucharests most popular club.They met our fullest expectations and provided us with an amazing evening at the club. All in all Party ON is a safe and excellent party company, i would recommend it to all who is going to Bucharest for a nice time.
    • jonathand134 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were 5 guys who went to Bucharest without a real clue on what to do. Rucsandra met us at out apartment and after some good conversations we left our place a bit later than planned. Since Rucsandra is a well-educated and very talkative guide, she was able to show us many interesting buildings and share some interesting stories with us on our way to the bar. This was great and beyond our expectations of "Party ON". However, Rucsandra definitely also knows how to party and we had a great and long night. This was more meeting our expectations, but just as good as the unexpected 'educative' part ;). If you'd like to get to know Bucharest, I think Party ON is a perfect way to get to know the city on your first night out.
    • zafrirf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Avery friendly group of young people who can show you the town. The tour which I took was a private one (not expansive at all) and include the old city and main attractions around it. it's about 5 hours and worth every cents!
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