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statuia lui decebal / decebalus rex statue

  • 景点介绍
  • statuia lui decebal / decebalus rex statue
  • 景点印象
    • alexandrui2013 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is not the kind of attraction that you specifically want to see, but if you happen to be in the area it wolud be a shame to miss it. The sculpture itself is not very entertaining, but combined with the lovely view and a trip with the boats along the Danube makes up a very exciting trip.
    • cocacola499 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's free of charge and you feel good to thing that that is your anchestor. I have seen it from the Danube and near it, on the highway. You have a big parcking space for your car, and then you can stay and admire the view, take pictrures and buy a fridge magnet or a souvenir.
    • littlekimms 图标 图标 图标 图标

      there is nothing to see. a rich man decided to remind about dacs roots but the result is a kitch.you can only see it from the danube, from a boat althought there are some cars stopping there but the perspective is not great.you can see the falling nose.
    • Georgiana_Gabriela 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A wonderful sculpture of dacian king Decebal. Easy to reach by car, not far from Orsova city. Very beautiful view all-around. Worth to see!
    • beradrian 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It can be visited by car, less than 20 kilometers from Orsova or by boat. It is the biggest rock sculpture in Europe and it represents the most famous Dacian king that fought the Roman wars. It took over seven years to finish (1995-2001) and over one million dollars, financed by the billionaire Iosif Constantin Dragan. Notice that the nose and mustache are enforced with concrete and the hat is not finished completely.
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