danube valley

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  • danube valley
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    • ColinH181 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Travelling north from Drobeta Turnu Severin, an ugly concrete jungle (from the Communist days), you can soon be in magnificent countryside next to the Danube river as see the "real" Romania.Follow the river past the (again ugly) port town of Orsova and the mountainous sides of the river are even more spectacular and unspoiled.Be sure to find the huge face of Decebal carved in the side of the mountain.It is a pity that Romania seems so slow in exploiting an obvious opportunity for pleasure boat cruises through this magnificent countryside.
    • carmen-rodicad 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is remote from the civilization. Nice and refreshing. This is really worthy to visit for relaxation. It is natural and so different from the turistic places. You can go fishing, go on a nice trip on the mountain or simply laying in the sun. The landscape is magnificent.
    • Robby_Cristian 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The statue of Decebal, which is the tallest rock sculpture in Europe, is impressive. The pictoresque winding road at Orsova Cazane goes with Danube closely and opens beautiful vistas. Traian's table, the plaque stone with the carved Latin inscription about Traian, represents another key attraction in the Danube Valley; Traian's table comemorates the bridge that was buit in 103 during the military campaign in Dacia.
    • Mihai_Midus 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Starting by car from Drobeta Turnu Severin, you can follow E70 towards Timisoara. After 15 km you can stop at Iron Gates 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), in order to visit its museum. After chronogically arranged artefacts from the area, starting stone age, continuing with bronze, iron, Roman period, and Otoman/turkish one, you will have a visual description of the construction and the hydro power units of the Romanian side of the HPP. You will also have a glimpse of the machine hall (approx. 220 m long, 25 m tall), descending by an elevator.After visiting the power plant, continuing towards Timisoara on the Romanian shore of the lake formed by the Danube River behind Iron Gates 1 dam. There are 15 to 20 viaducts over many golfs formed by the Danube. You are already in the Iron Gates Natural Park, so obey the specific rules.After driving 5 km, you will see a road sign to the right, indicating 1 km to Vodita Monastery. Worth a visit!Continuing 5 more km on E70 you will reach Orsova (now you will leave E70, continuing on DN57), the city rebuilt after the level of the lake raised 30 meters! You will enjoy a walk on the Danube's shore, and in the evening take a break near the ship yard or the train station in order to take some photos of the city lights reflected on the water. In orsova you can rent a ship and take a cruise on the Danube!Before leaving Orsova towards Eselnita, go to Sf. Ana Monastery.So you are about to leave Orsova, and after 15 km you will reach Mraconia bay, the place where a sculpture of Decebal is carved into the mountain.I think that you've had many stops and you are already hungry or at least thirsty, so continue 3 more km to Pensiunea Melba, located on the shore of Dubova gulf. "Papanasii" are my favourite desert there! Delicious! Siting at the table, enjoying your meal... can you see where the Danube is entering the gulf? There is its narrowest and its deepest point!Well, this is 100 km tour, and enough places to visit for a day!
    • robipelle 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      purtroppo sono passato in novembre e con tempo brutto; tuttavia viaggiare sulla strada che costeggia il fiume , che sia lato Serbia o lato Romania ( le ho percorse entrambe da Turnu al confine serbo... è come un salto nel tempo all'italia degli anni 50 . il fiume è larghissimo e nella bella stagione deve essere magnifico.
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