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cantacuzino castle

  • 景点介绍
  • cantacuzino castle
  • 景点印象
    • FlorinM975 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Everybody is talking about Peles castle when visiting ”Valea Prahovei”, but not so many people know about Canatacuzino Castle. It is very nice located, you can view the entire valley of Prahova from there. The castle itself is a very beautiful building, outside and inside. It's definitely worth the visit.
    • tiguaguy 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I stopped for a few hours and enjoyed a tour of the inside. Other reviews are pretty accurate. I did enjoy walking the grounds, doing some photos, and finally eating at their CantaCuisine restaurant. The food (lunch) was exceptional and we dined in the upstairs area which is not always opened to visitors - thus it was a wonderful place to be. My Romanian friends had been there other times, so they did not join me for the tour. There were some nice highlights - especially the beautiful balcony overlooking a mountain view - Art work of the Cantacuzino family members. Most of the tour was rather boring however.
    • leonardo_1964 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Cantacuzino Castle is less known and crowd than Bran and Peles castles. However it is worth to visit the gardens which offer a splendid view over the mountains. There is as well a nice restaurant in the garden.
    • Daniel_Dumitrascu 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Besides the garden, which is very beautiful, the visit to the castle itself is not worthed. You will find empty rooms and a bored guide.
    • Votan77 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Postcard castle with a outdoors restaurant that's worth a visit. An unequalled view! The service does an honour to its French oriented elegance.Its a bit of a walk to get there from Busteni and going by car does incur a parking fee.
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