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  • 景点介绍
  • 多瑙河三角洲
  • 景点印象
    • florentinag337 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Danube Delta is one of the true wonders of Romania. It is a hidden pearl that waits to be discovered. There is nothing one could say that can prepare you for the beauty you find here. Just imagine. Endless channels of water that spread as roads driving you to the wildest sceneries. There are blooming water lilies, aigrettes, pelicans, wild horses, and countless other remarkable species. The diversity of the fauna and vegetation are unique. To understand and appreciate the Danube Delta you must discover it by boat, sailing across its channels towards a never-ending treasure of unaltered wild life. Those who dare to explore it are usually people passionate by rare bird species, by sailing and by fishing. It is a good place to enjoy nature’s beauty and also the perfect setting for photography.The small villages located on the shores of the Danube Delta are friendly communities where modern villas open their doors to greet tourists both from Romania and abroad. Here you will find a comfortable place to sleep, a huge yard to relax and a delicious hot meal which usually consists of fresh fish. Danube Delta is famous for its original and tasty cuisine and everyone who chooses to visit it should give it a try. It is a part of its culture and beauty and any self-respecting tourist should take advantage of everything Danube Delta has to offer. Trust me! It is an original, picturesque and unforgettable experience. You must live it to the fullest.
    • OliverR801 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Danube Delta is an amazing well protected area with a dazzling amount of bird species as well as amphibians. There are many different ways to visit the huge delta. From Tulcea you will easily find day trips into the delta.
    • TouringRomania 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Danube Delta is included in Unesco World Heritage. It is an amazing land - old and wild. Over 300 species of birds are the paradise for birdwatchers. Best time to visit Danube Delta in from middle of May to July. All the birds are coming home from Africa. An amazing show. Advice: take boat rides there. I preffer Sulina City. In Sulina look for Captain Nemo and his boat Matilda. He is great and knows all superb places from Delta.
    • MRCPAntwerp 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a huge natural reserve where you can admire all kinds of wildlife, especially birds. Pelicans are the symbol of the Danube Delta. Take a small boat and let you take into the labyrinth of small canals and lakes and you will see something you never have seen before.
    • MariusB570 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was a week in Sulina. It is very nice to combine beauty Delta and the Black Sea. The beach is not designed and not many tourists. You can enjoy the peace and beauty of places. Delta is unimaginable beauty. You really tried local cuisine and fish preparations.
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