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national m. k. ciurlionis art museum

  • 景点介绍
  • national m. k. ciurlionis art museum
  • 景点印象
    • Selojora 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      M. K. Ciurlionis is an unique artist in the world. Amazing paints, fantastic music.Well, it is a museum for adults more, but listen symphonies with kids, they are amazing!
    • jonasc127 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Multi-talented and multi-faceted personality so complex it is taking decades to explore. A painter, a composer, a photographer, and a writer - a legacy for centuries in just 35 years of life. There are no strict definitions to his art and this is what I like best about it - it is all about the feeling. The spirit around the works is phenomenal and the recent reconstruction of the museum helps to emphasize this feeling. Be sure not to miss the ground floor exposition on his life to get e glimpse into the person and after you are done with the paintings be sure to spend some time to listen to the synaesthete music. As always, it is a good idea to do some homework prior to the visit - at least to imagine of what to expect (hey but that's what you are doing if you are reading this!) and do yourself a favor - take your time here TO FEEL RATHER THAN JUST SEE. I stand firmly behind the proposal that Ciurlionis is probably one of the best kept secrets in the world of art.
    • Ekulbwga 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I’ve been to Kaunas a dozen or so times but only saw the Ciurlionis museum a couple of weeks ago. Basically it's a must see.Slick and polished building. The kind of public place that modern Lithuania does so well. Well-designed and friendly to people like me, who rarely wake up and get excited about going to a museum.Ciurlionis was one of the world pioneers of abstract art. He was also a sculptor and musician – which makes Damien Hirst look lazy. He even had an asteroid named after him. Eat your pickled heart out Mr Hirst …My Lithuanian friend and guide (not affiliated to the museum) insists that Ciurlionis had a penchant for opium - although I can’t find much about that on the web - but it would certainly offer one reason for many of the pictures that spiral languidly out of reality. Being dreamlike, fantastical, creative and often thought-provoking.A few seemed a little basic but most are just beautiful to just look at (and into). My favourite ones had loads of layers to them. The kind of thing that a graphic designer might spend a couple of days playing around with on his computer – looking sideways at his monitor. The difference being that Ciurlionis does them all by hand with (mostly) pastels and tempera. Multi-layered picture-in-picture stuff, trippy landscapes, islands that look like walruses (‘Tranquillity’) etc. Hidden meanings abound so it’s worth reading the blurb that goes with each piece. There’s good clear English although it’s probably worth getting a walking, talking person to give you the full monty in English as there's definitely more to each picture than the word count allows.Ciurlionis was a synaesthete, so that he saw/heard pictures and sounds at the same time. So presumably when he heard some music he could visualise it (and vice versa?). So many of the pictures have musical analogies vibrating along in them (e.g pine trees on a ridge, are, on closer inspection musical notes on a page). Keeps you interested anyway.It's brill.There’s even a big hall you can have a sit down and listen to his music – which is genuinely beautiful enough to warrant £6 or so on the CD. Nice way to finish off the walkabout and there’s few better souvenirs than some music to remind you of your trip.I’d like to go again actually as having read up a bit more on his work and life – I’m sure a second viewing would unravel even more. Plus, when we picked up our coats we found a whole floor dedicated to his life that we didn’t have time to see (it wasn't actually under our coats... just in the room next to the cloakroom...)
    • RobertasP 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We recomend to visit it 100% its most famous Lithuania painter master and composer. Near all his paintings are in this galery. Its mysterious from good side of nature and human soul positive vibrations. Here you can walk and enjoy lift of cultural feelings and memories for long time. Near difrent paintings sounds same artis created clasical music. Nice area around this galery, with historical park, monuments and buildings. Statue of Liberty Angel its in front side of the galery. Historical museum its side by side near galery.
    • MaxM803 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If MKC was painting in Paris .... he would have been hailed genius . His art is original and timeless
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