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snoras snow arena

  • 景点介绍
  • snoras snow arena
  • 景点印象
    • GPukas 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Biggest snow arena, however terrible service and unwilling staff. Avoid unless completely bored. A pity such investment is wasted.
    • InkaLysenko 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good skiing and snowboarding! In the rental is not only equipment, but also clothes! There are a lot of place to eat and warm up after skiing!For those who miss the winter in the summer!
    • domstas 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Snow quality is bad. Half of track are closed. No people... My friends had headache from bad weather. And if you skied in big mountains, you won't like it...
    • RandyRoss 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We just went to look so no first-hand experience skiing or snowboarding there. That said, I think that it is a good place to learn but would get boring pretty fast for an experienced skier. There is an indoor learning slope, the main indoor slope and an outdoor slope. All look pretty basic.Still, it was interesting to see this place and worth the 10 Lt fee.
    • patricijas2013 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Snow Arena is the best place to learn how to ski/snowboard. This is the place where I learned how to snowboard, the coaches in snow arena from Dru Ski School are great, however a bit too expensive. The Snow Arena it self has 3 slopes - indoor learning slope, the main indoor slope (460m.) and an outdoor slope (640m.) which is only open when it is snowing and cold enough outside. On the side of the main slope there is a snow park for snowboarders. Snow Arena is great for preparing for the season or skiing/snowboarding in the summer. The busiest months are December and January, then it starts becoming quieter. As this is the only place I’ve been snowboarding I really enjoy it and don’t find many negatives.The only problems that I find are that there are many people that come without coaches or people who know how to ski/snowboard, so there are some people who go down the main slope without knowing how to stop and I have seen many people being knocked down by them. And I do think that the slope can become a bit boring for professional skiers. The snowboarding equipment that snow arena provides is really bad, especially the old one. They have updated their snowboarding equipment, however it costs a lot more. Many also complain that their equipment is black after snowboarding here, and that it needs a lot of cleaning, however I believe they are changing their snow. Overall I think its a great place to learn how to ski/snowboard or start your season. Been here many times and will still return.
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