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eagles flying

  • 景点介绍
  • eagles flying
  • 景点印象
    • 282lf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      When we arrived at Eagles Flying there was a Doberman dog pacing on its own through the visitors, including my small children. The visit started with a wander around the enclosures and the staff giving info on the birds. This was difficult to enjoy while keeping an eye out for the dog and making sure my children didn't antagonise it. The main show itself was up close and personal with a brilliant variety of birds of prey. It was entertaining and educational. But I won't be returning because of the Doberman, it's not what I went to see.
    • 408Geoff408 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went here last year on our trip around Ireland and we all enjoyed it so much that we went back this year. I have been to a number of other bird shows in Ireland, England, and USA (I like bird shows) and this is by far and away the best. While some of the others (especially in the USA) were more polished this show allows you to get up close (and I mean really close) to the birds. The owner is a brilliant communicator and you soon pick up that he and all the staff have a real love for the birds and other animals on site. So worth a visit, I can't see how anyone would be disappointed.
    • RogerM150 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although we went on a really wet day, between the showers we met up with some great staff members and had a chance to see the birds of pray and other animals who roam about on the massive site. Due to the heavy rain the bird display was indoors. We were a bit disappointed at first but the show was fantastic and gave us a chance to meet with the birds up close. The staff were really nice and very informative. After the show we had a great time with the pigs, mice, rabbits and especially the racoon whose speciality is as a pick pocket to find his lunch.... real fun.A great day out in any weather and for all ages....thanks everyone for making this a special day.
    • NancyD183 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We just happened to find the brochure for Eagles Flying and ended up watching the show with three groups of elementary school children and a few random adults. It was a brilliant show that entertained everyone. Very well worth the time and effort to find it.
    • ClaraS14 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a fantastic visit. The show was educational and entertaining. The owners love of birds really came through. Everyone was professional but there was a real opportunity to get up close to all the birds. We will now have this on our visitors must do list. Looking forward to our next visit already.
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