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the great western greenway

  • 景点介绍
  • the great western greenway
  • 景点印象
    • stasia113 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a bike ride from Westport to Mulranney the scenic view spectacular no other word to describe a must do
    • Greystonesgal 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      ....To be cycling off road and away from any traffic...to be able to go at your own pace and to stop as the mood takes you....to be able to cycle two abreast and chat on the way...wonderful views and on a deserted February day the peace is palpable. The greenway is very do-able even for those who do not normally cycle as a mode of transport. Be aware that the last part of the route into Achill is on the public road as is the way into Newport...both areas could do with a designated cycle lane , after being spoiled on the greenway the change is quite unsettling!
    • 2014luckytotravel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We'd set off early from Dublin on a guided tour by our cousin out to the so called Wild Atlantic Coast. After stopping at Stokestown Park (Irish National Famine Museum) for lunch - (I know - how ironic!), we arrived in Westport in the mid-afternoon.After the long drive we needed some fresh air and exercise, and took a walk towards Westport Quay, past the Manor House (didn't want to pay to get into the walled grounds). The Quay area had a variety of restaurants, bars and cafes, which we would have visited earlier in the day. Tide was out. Cute signs of Bikes (to encourage exercise for the Great Western Greenway or did I learn there was another meaning?? Also caught the sun over Croagh Patrick (a pilgrimage site).Took the Great Western Greenway back, about a 5 mile hike, over an undulating, paved pathway, through neighbourhoods and woods. Savour the quiet, peaceful countryside! An invigourating walk! We were ready to quench our thirst at Matt Malloy's (justly famous for it's live music every evening starting at 9:30.) It's cosy and hot and authentic!
    • Josephine349 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Was really taken in by such a great place to have a walk away from noisy roads so safe for families to take children for a walk and cycling there bikes. All one can hear is the birds singing and the animals in the fields its pure heaven. A must for all. Great asset to Westport well done to all concern.. Really enjoyed it will be back soon.
    • EM_912014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Do not leave Westport without renting bikes and cycling the greenway!! The cycle path is paved with only a small stretch beside the road so it is extremely safe, don't worry. Just bring plenty of water and some rain gear just in case.... I would stay in Westport just to cycle this again.
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