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michael davitt museum

  • 景点介绍
  • michael davitt museum
    The Michael Davitt Museum is dedicated to the life and achievements of...
  • 景点印象
    • MarinaH922 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Stopped off at the Michael Davitt Museum last week and what a pleasant surprise! A really interesting museum; very professional displays, beautiful building, informative audio visual and extremely friendly and hospitable staff. A great place to stop off and learn some local history which had a national import in a friendly and informal manner. We visited with three young children (10. 8, 6 years old) and we all enjoyed our visit. The children enjoyed doing a crossword based on the information in the displays and actually left knowing some real details about the life of Michael Davitt. They enjoyed seeing his walking stick and his rifle! We enjoyed all the displays and the passionate enthusiasm of Joe, the curator! Take a moment and learn something about life in rural Ireland of the day. Easy parking and facilities available.
    • 757emmaf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great little museum, made all the better by staff being so personable and giving us an individual tour around exhibit and graveyard. Very interesting.
    • JDwyer1993 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a History student in Galway I travelled out to Castlebar to visit the museum and gain a basic knowledge of Michael Davitt and the Land League - I left with a rounded understanding of the man and his times and the desire to read more about him.The Museum is packed with Davitt's personal letters and artefacts alongside brilliant photographs from the time. The staff were very friendly and welcoming - especially Joe who's enthusiasm for the subject is infectious. He was ready and able to explain any queries and answer any questions.One of the greatest assets of the Museum is its location - the site itself is the old abbey in which Davitt was baptised, the field next to it was where he was born and the man himself is buried in the abbey graveyard just behind it. This helps to flesh out the history and make it tangible.I was able to grab lunch next door in a wonderful little pub - which is also full of Davitt memorabilia. Will definitely visit again when I'm ever out that way. Couldn't recommend it any more - a must see for lovers of Irish history and even those with just a passing interest.
    • calasanctius 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      From the clear and informative short film we were invited to watch at the start of our visit to the warm, genuine farewell we received from locals as we drove away from the museum, our visit was a treat. A staff member explained that there was no entry charge but that we could make a contribution on the way out. I'd rather expected a spotty history undergraduate going through the motions as he trotted out a spiel he'd recited a hundred times before. How wrong I was. A sophisticated, experienced middle-aged man (sorry to sound ageist!!!) brought us to the area where we watched the DVD - he even handed me the remote control, just in case I wanted to adjust the volume! We watched a very illustrative film that outlined the life of Michael Davitt - founder of the Land League - in a concise manner that placed him in context. After the film ended, our guide was most personable as he walked us to the start of the exhibition and proved to be a font of information - we'd picked up the important facts from the film, and the exhibition boards filled in a lot of the background colour but guide Joe has a gift for selecting a telling detail from Davitt's life or the social landscape of the time that makes history come alive. Rather charmingly, he kept saying, "I'll shut up now..." In all seriousness, I could have listened to him all day! In addition, when one of our party - an elderly lady - decided to sit down to take a breather and headed for the nearest chair, he walked over and asked if she was okay. He really was a star. Unfortunately, we were committed to an appointment in Ballina so we had to head away before we'd had time to fully inspect the exhibition but I'd love to make a return visit. (I didn't even visit Mr Davitt's grave - so I guess I have to go back, right?)If your Irish history is a little rusty, you need a little refresher course in why the Land League really mattered, and you're in that part of Mayo (it's not far from the main Dublin-Castlebar road, afaik) I'd heartily recommend it. It's not an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza but you'll learn something and you'll meet at least one extremely interesting and personable man.
    • roxlaw 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Having first stumbled ourselves through two Abbeys for photos we were happily surprised to be greeted at the door by joe, a volunteer docent and font of information. Don't shy away and let them show you around and explain things. This was the best part of our day. We got numerous photographs and memories of unique place and people. Move this to the top of your list, you'll be glad you did.
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