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  • 景点介绍
  • 斯凯利格•迈克尔岛
  • 景点印象
    • HelenB284 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have been saying for years that we should do this trip and finally we got around to it. We have a holiday home about 40 mins away so it was about time we did. This trip is very weather dependant so if possible go on a calm day,we were fortunate and went on a beautiful calm day. The trips can be booked from the fishing village of Portmagee. We also brought a picnic with us as obviously there is no catering available. This trip is most unsuitable for children, ours were 16 and 12 and even the twelve year old found it difficult. Do not attempt this if you have mobility issues or have a fear of heights. All that said it is an amazing place to visit,well worth its status as a world heritage site. The views are breathtaking on a clear day, of note also there are no handrails so if you are in anyway unsteady or need assistance by all means take the boat ride but do not attempt the climb. Overall a stunning place.
    • JJBurkeClonbur 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Got the Boat from the beautiful Village of Portmagee .. The trip out takes about 50 mins . Costs €50 per person .. You sign a contract with ferry company that they are not responsible ., Getting off the boat can be a small bit scary .. The views as you climb the steps going up are breathtaking .. Don't look down tho ! It's an amazing Place , not to be missed ..
    • Dannigirl1010 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited Skellig Michael during Lent in 2011. I absolutely loved everything about it. Before we headed out we watched a short video on the history of it. I have to say this is a MUST SEE along with other places in Ireland.
    • kaylakay1020 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a must do on your Ireland List! We took Brendan Casey tour from Portmagee a sleepy little fishing village with nothing there, come prepared with hiking pants,shirt, rain jacket, hiking boots, and a small day pack with water and a snack. The boat ride over wasn't too bad you will get a little wet. 45 mins to Skellig. The climb its self 600 stairs wasn't too awful took about 30 mins up and the most beautiful views and the ruins at the top are a sight to behold. I don't recommend this hike If you are out of shape or overweight or clumsy there are NO guardrails you can slip and fall to your death so please do your research before doing this adventure. There are two guides that live on the island that have to help rescue people who get injured or worse.
    • Jmayahara 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had the opportunity to visit Skellig Michael and it is now on my current top ten most memorable sites to visit which includes the Grand Canyon and the view from the top of Mount Fuji.... I was lucky to have a friend set up the tour and logistics so I cannot provide any feedback on that part. On the day I went, the weather was gusty and the waves choppy, this resulted in a fairly rough ride out and should be factored in for people who are prone to sea-sickness as the distance felt considerable. We first passed a small island literally filled top to bottom with seagulls ... amazing site. We then landed at the base of the island and made the long trek up a winding pathway to the top of the mountain along a tight and narrow pass. Good shoes that have grip are recommended because you could easily slip as there are no hand rails. The view from the top is breath taking and the history behind the site is fascinating and makes you wonder how the monks could have lived here. Definitely a site worth visiting.
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