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cliffs of moher

  • 景点介绍
  • cliffs of moher
    Scenic cliffs stretching 700 feet over the rugged Atlantic coast. A short...
  • 景点印象
    • AnnaSalvadorKovacs 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Unmissable, impressive amazing, wonderful attraction! One of the most beautiful places in Ireland. And there are many!
    • mariatD7982FO 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great place to go for a long walk on a sunny day! The views are simply amazing! The Cliffs of Moher are a good example of how beautiful nature can be.If you have fear of heights you might not want to go too close to the cliffs. But even so, it's worth taking a trip there because you get to enjoy a stunning view also when you are not too close to the edge of the cliffs.
    • 627pamelas 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My son and I took a bus tour (Healys) to the Cliffs. Absolutely Amazing! It was a very clear day when we went and the view was spectacular. I recommend if you are going to Ireland that you make sure you see the Cliffs.
    • Beatrices96 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I spent a weekend in Dublin and we booked a day tour to go to the cliffs of Moher. The weather was crazy but the view was just great. I absolutely recommend to go there.
    • mahdih_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The drive to the cliffs was beautiful! Entrance to the cliffs was 4 euro with a student ID card and that included parking. Not bad at all. It was a bit windy when we went but it was so beautiful! The sun was shining and it was a perfect day. The views are breathtaking and must be seen in person to really appreciate their beauty. There a few paths along the cliffs that can be walked. Be careful cause one fall would surely leave you paralyzed if it did not kill you. ;-) There were many people here but it does not feel crowded due to the vast openness of the surroundings. One can spend hours here just walking along the paths or sitting and enjoying the views. We saw a few different people playing music for tips and that added to the experience. The shops at the visitor center were not overpriced and we bought a quite a few souvenirs for people. There was also an interactive map that showed the continents and countries across the world and how they have shifted over millions of years and I really loved it. Spend a few hours here and soak up the view! It is something you will remember forever.
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