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  • 景点介绍
  • 凯勒梅堡监狱
    This bleak old jail was notorious in the 19th century for its harsh...
  • 景点印象
    • BelleColada 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was easily my favourite part of my trip to Dublin! Just €2 for a student like myself or €4 for an adult tickets and for this price you get a guided tour around the jail - brilliant value!! The history of the jail and the prisoners who were kept/executed there is very interesting and our tour guide was clear and informative. The jail is a little out of the way compared to other more central attractions but it's well worth the trip, especially if you have Green Bus Tour tickets as this drops you off right at the gate. Excellent experience!
    • Katieb1987 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was such an informative tour and I leaned so much in just an hour. I love all things historic and it was so good to walk along the corridors and imagine what life was like. Our guide (Sophie I think) was very informative and friendly. I did feel the tour was slightly rushed and there wasn't many picture opportunities as we were in such a large group when we did the tour, but overall it was brilliant and well worth doing
    • 399RichardM 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The guided tour was perfect! The history of the jail and its tenants over the years was fascinating! When we toured it, parts were under renovation, but the fee to enter was lowered to compensate. Well worth the time! Great experience!
    • Balleeee 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just across the road from the Hilton, a little way out of town but easily reached by taking the tram (Laus) to either Heuston station and then walking (20 mins) or staying on the tram to Suir Road and Walking (15 mins).Known for the execution of the Easter rising leaders about 100 years ago, the museum tour (must do – no ability to wander around) gives a brilliant overview of the recent history of Ireland / Dublin covering the struggle of independence. Many stages are covered from 18th century through the Easter Rising and the Irish Free state civil war. Fascinating history – with a sad conclusion as you see the cells where those about to be executed were held and the yards were the executions took place – and then the personal belongings and stories in the museum which you can walk around after the tour. Well worth the visit
    • JohnRD77 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Despite the wing in the picture being closed for refurbishment, i'm glad we visited the gaol!! Informative & very interesting, its not just about the gaol as the guide also explained the history of Ireland i.e the colours in the flag!!!
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