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silver strand beach

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  • silver strand beach
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    • Tienchen79 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      one of the best beaches i have seen so far as its quiet and often lonely. no tourist crowds, no noise, .... just you and your beach.you have to be fit enough to get down and up all the steps but its so worth it.
    • honase 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My 9 year old wanted to play on a beach so we headed to Malin Beg to the beach. It was beautiful and a nice place to play in sand. I was a bit of a hike down the steps but still nice. We loved the entire Donegal area!!
    • JGrant44 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This beach is unbelievable in its setting, a real horseshoe shaped beach backed up by steep sides, so nicely protected from winds and storms. However, there has to be a downside to this idyllic location. Not sure how many there are, but there are a lot of steps down to the beach and you will feel them even more on the way back up. No facilities here, just a beach in a glorious setting, at the end of the world, oh and a few steps of course....
    • 114joeh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We came on this part of the world by accident one evening towards dark and decided it deserved to be explored so we stayed in a nearby hostel run by Frank (hostel was exceptionally clean and Frank great host) and in the morning headed to this most fantastic beach. It truly is a little piece of heaven. We spent a couple of hours just enjoying the peace and tranquility and had a swim in the beautiful clear water. We were the only ones there for most of the time. The beach is half moon in shape and as it is surrounded by cliffs/mountains it is nicely sheltered.
    • CoryJ173 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Long story short, we missed a sign for the Slieve League cliffs and went straight when we should have turned. I saw a map by the side of the road and picked this spot out and thought, "That looks cool, let's head there..." I'm glad we did! In the midst of cliff faces rising out of the sea, is this gem of a beach. It's slightly curved, and is banked by said cliffs on either side. The car park can fit a number of vehicles, but we were the only five people on the beach that day. (Granted, it was in the 50s and overcast, not particularly "beach weather".) There is a number of steps down to the beach itself, which is quite sandy at low tide. (From the indicators I could see, it didn't look like much sand was left at high tide.) We walked and walked and just listened to the waves. One thing I found quite weird, and perhaps this is why there were no "beach-goers" (besides the weather), was that there were thousands (literally, thousands) of jellyfish dotting the sand. Some the size of a half-dollar, and others a good 8 inches across. (Presumably waiting for high tide to take them back out to sea.)If you have the time, I'd make it up here. If not to go to the beach, just to enjoy the view! But look out for the jellyfish!
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