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  • 景点介绍
  • 大集市广场(中央广场)
    Huge 10-acre square, the largest in any of Europe's medieval cities...
  • 景点印象
    • Barrhea 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A fantastic main square which is has good as anywhere in Europe I'm sure. We were lucky with the weather but being March it was not crowded by any means. This will be a real tourist hotspot in the next few years
    • janb627 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We did 2 walking tours from the main square. They were both free. The first one we did was the areas around the square ending up at the castle. Our guides name was Ella and she was very good at telling us all about the areas we visited and also about the history of krakow. We also did the Jewish tour which also took nearly 3 hours and was very interesting. Our guide's name was Jack and he was very good at telling us what went on during the war and showing us the Jewish area and where the ghetto once stood. We ended up at Schindler's factory, which we had visited the day before and paid for a guided visit around the factory. The factory tour did not tell us anything about what Schindler did in the war but just about the history of Krakow during the war. The Jewish free walking tour told us about Schindler.The free walking tours which meet in the main market square are definitely worth doing but wear a good pair of walking shoes as there is lots of walking to do.
    • Yvonericfooty11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely square very busy on Saturday afternoons. Loved sat in square having a few drinks and a meal watching the street entertainers and horse and carts going round the square. Very good architecture around the square,and don't forget to visit the gallery shopping centre about 10 min walk away
    • barbara_miglentsis2 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      the square is beautiful with the cloth market which is the largest building in the square ,inside there are market stalls which sell traditional items made from wood,glass,pottery and cloth.there are toilets in the north end of the market they are downstairs and there is a stair lift if needed
    • 166kathleenb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The market square is a place that is full of life, we were very fortunate to get great weather while we were there. The stalls and shops were lovely, and not dear at all.
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