
  • 景点介绍
  • zuraw
  • 景点印象
    • peediewife 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An attractive and interesting waterfront area with the giant crane, nice looking restaurants, mixture on newly developed and undeveloped areas across the river
    • PaulFinland 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was absolutely flattened during WWII. Now it looks amazing : hats off, an amazing rebuild. Not a tourist trap at all.IT IS FREE
    • victors724 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On a bank of river stands this incredible building with overhanging black wooden part. This is the oldest port monument, it dates back to 14th century and unifies functions of a city gate and a port crane, which is powered by two 6-meter drums with 4 people inside each and was used to embark beer and many other functions. It's know as Zuraw (Polish for Crane) and there's a vane in the shape of crane bird at the top. During WW2 it was burned down and almost completely destroyed but later was restored. Now it's the main city's point of interest and beloved symbol. You can hear people talking about Zuraw everywhere in the streets.
    • HabLeaf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a crane! A weird shaped building sort of overhangs the quayside and this is the thing I remember most when I think of the city. Hard to get a proper photo of it as everyone gathers round about and gets in your way.
    • DCTravelerEgypt 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As we were a little short of time, this is the only section of the Maritime Museum (closed on Mondays) that we opted to see (a ticket for this part only, which can be purchased in the Maritime Center next door, costs 8 zl.). Alongside the actual crane (in reality two cranes), the building also houses a small exhibit, and the whole thing can be quite comfortably seen in under an hour.The crane, a structure made entirely of wood, was originally built in the 14th century and renovated in the mid-15th century. Like most of Gdansk, it was destroyed towards the end of WWII and painstakingly reconstructed in the decades that followed. Each crane was operated by men walking in two massive circular treadmills on either side of it, and could lift up to two tonnes, the top crane to a height of about 90 feet (27 meters). You can get very close to the mechanism during the visit and get a good sense of how it worked. The only slight drawback is that the inscriptions in the exhibit are in Polish only, although we didn't find this to be a major handicap.The Gdansk crane is truly one-of-a-kind, and we were really glad that we took the time to take a good look. People with restricted mobility should note however that the tour does involve walking up and down some rather steep and narrow stairways.
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