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st. mary's church (kosciol mariacki)

  • 景点介绍
  • st. mary's church (kosciol mariacki)
  • 景点印象
    • Trondoc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The biggest brick church in the world . In the old town, easy to find.Not so interesting I think . 10 minutes is eneugh .
    • peediewife 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The vast brick built church has been largely rebuilt after wartime damage and contains many wonderful monuments and altar pieces although it would originally have been jam packed with them. it is basically plastered and whitewashed throughout which I am sure would not have been its original finish but it does allow the monuments to stand out. raised side chapels and central font platform.
    • Wallis145 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good cardio to climb the 407 stairs. Nice view on a sunny day well worth it. Rather narrow at some parts if you have a problem with those sort of things.
    • 624martink 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Amazing space and structure with lots interesting elements. A unique building, vast space and amazing height.
    • feraltyger 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Other than town hall this is the nicest looking building on the outside. Inside it's very tall and plain, not much to look at. 4 zl to enter, 5 to climb into the tower and see the view of the city. Nothing awe inspiring and not baroque and extravagant like you see in many other areas of Europe. There's not much to do in this city, so might as well burn up 20 minutes for a few cents.
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