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saint-emilion monolithic church

  • 景点介绍
  • saint-emilion monolithic church
    A HIDDEN HERITAGE, UNIQUE IN EUROPE In this 45 minutes long tour, your...
  • 景点印象
    • METRUN360 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice church around an even nicer wine region! On a visit back in 2006 I had the opportunity to walk around the Church after a day in the surrounding vineyards and it was very nice to check out. Really detailed architecture.
    • jays094 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were in the area for the wine (why not) and did a tour one afternoon. The tour starts out to be very plain and we were expecting an average experience. But then we walked into the Church Proper and were just amazed. It tests the imagination to stand in wonder of how this church was carved out of limestone - its about half the size of a cricket ground and the ceiling is over 20 metres high - just amazing.And its still a working church (not all the time). Nothing short of spectacular. It has the feel of being inside a giant tomb (which it was once). the tower above the church (which is supported from inside is just as impressive.Definitely glad we went - however the walk down from the tourist office is steep and would not be for anyone less than able bodied. The tour ends on the Plaza and there are numerous cafes and wine merchants that are worth more time. It is truly a beautiful place
    • annaperon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was fascinating to see such an important and old monument so well-preserved. Very interesting tour.
    • mavmed 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The whole of St. Emilion is worth a stop or a stay, but the Monolithic Church is a must see. Carved from solid limestone in the early 12th century, the subterranean structure is at once both mysterious and awe inspiring. I'm not sure which image intrigues me more: the thought of 12th century humans hewing out this space from the solid rock, or the picture of worshippers filling the space, lit by candles, fragrant with incense, perhaps with a chant being intoned by the monks. Access is by organized tour only, but that is well worth doing.
    • Chip1701 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took the "Saint-Emilion Underground Tour" offered via the Tourist Office. We both thought it was just great. First, this church has been carved out of a solid piece of limestone underneath the city. I walked this street earlier in our visit but had not idea there was an underground church there let alone how big it was on the inside. Second, our tour guide, Agnus, was very informative, animated, spoke English very clearly, did a wonderful job of interacting with our group. I would think this short tour would be a "must do" for anyone spending more than one day in the area. Two things I should mention- 1) This is not a tour that will interest young children and 2) there are a lot of steps/walking on stones and uneven surfaces.
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