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vieux sarlat

  • 景点介绍
  • vieux sarlat
  • 景点印象
    • tygermelon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Vieux Sarlat is quaint and charming. Just wandering these old streets transports you back to the Middle Ages. But beware the evil dried fruit seller!! He has this charming shop under the curved arch of a stone tower. There are heaps & heaps of delicious dried fruits. I wanted just a sample but he began to very enthusiastically scoop all kinds of things into a brown paper bag. I kept insisting "Un peu, un peu!" but he angled his body so that I couldn't see what he was doing. I almost fainted when he rang it up and said that would be 32 euros! I was too exhausted from our long journey to protest. It was particularly delicious dried fruit though, especially the kumquats, grapefruit, and cherries. And I got a funny story out of it, so I guess it was all good in the end.
    • ABroach 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I am sure there are very many reviews on the beauty and wonders of Sarlat so will confine my remarks to anyone thinking of visiting Sarlat on New Year's day as we did this year. First of all parking was a doddle and as far as I could tell free. Certainly I saw no way of buying a parking ticket and did not get one. The first thing we noticed (apart from the cold) was that pretty much everything and everywhere was closed (including the cunningly hidden public toilets near the also closed tourist information office). However the tourist information office does have free maps etc outside the door so we were able to pick up maps and basic info. After a while one or 2 shops open (main product is foie gras) and even some restaurants. What surprised us was that the restaurants very soon filled up and would only serve quite expensive prix fixe meals. The one coffee shop on the main street that was open has very few tables (but thankfully a restroom).My advice if you go on New Year's day is enjoy the space (I am sure it must be so crowded in summer) but think carefully about eating and bathroom needs.
    • keithpcfl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Vieux Sarlat is the beautiful medieval town center of Sarlat-la-Canada and one of the highlights to a visit of Dordogne. It serves as a an excellent central base for exploration of the region. We spent a week here doing just that. We also spent many hours walking around the old town center visiting various attractions and investigating restaurants. Vieux Sarlat or old town has the densest concentrations of eating establishments I have seen anywhere for town it size. It is pedestrian friendly with some streets barred to through traffic. It is also known for its Saturday Market.
    • Barbara-Rani 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A feira de Sarlat é a principal da região e a infinidade de cores e sabores são inesquecíveis. Os queijos, patos, ervas, flores, frutas e verduras enchem os olhos e aguçam os sentidos. Perca-se nas suas ruazinhas medievais, cheia de fontes, igrejas, becos e belas construções. O comércio é muito ativo e lota aos fins de semana. Dezenas de restaurantes servem confit de canard (ganso), prato da região. Tire foto com o casal de gansos da praça!
    • 778flaviec 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Découverte de la vieille ville très intéressante. A cette période, peu de monde dans les rues, de quoi admirer toute l'architecture de cette cité médiévale.Le petit plus : l'ascenseur panoramique en haut du clocher de l'église Sainte Marie ! Avec ses vitres transparentes, vous avez une vue imprenable sur tout Sarlat. Le guide nous explique l'histoire de la ville et des différents bâtiments.Une très bonne après-midi !
    • flomel2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      j'ai aimé la vieille ville,le calme de cette ville hors saison,un peu trop peut etre,à partir d'avril et avant juillet aout c'est parfait
    • corinneb929 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      des ruelles typiques, superbe architecture, un bond dans l'histoire à ne pas manquer si vous passer par là! petit conseil à éviter en juillet août car très difficile pour se garer en pleine saison, j'ai testé!
    • 794jackyc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Superbe, en se baladant au fil des rues, on s'imagine le moyen âge avec toutes les petites rues, les porches, les voutes, les passages secrets et les vieilles bâtisses. Aussi beau de jour comme de nuit, un véritable émerveillement pour les yeux. Ne pas rater le marché du samedi matin...
    • Konstantin-German 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Совершенно необходимо здесь побывать, если Вы можете путешествовать самостоятельно. Экскурсии здесь бессмыслены, но дух Средневековья витает повсюду.
    • Clio0812 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Un lieu sublime figé dans une époque lointaine. Les maisons ont conservé leur authenticité, construisant ce charme qui vous envoûtera au sein de ce décor digne d'un film. Mérite le détour.
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