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longues battery

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  • longues battery
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    • DavidP800 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well preserved site, free but well presented with information boards. Wear stout footwear if its wet. Original guns are awesome as well as views across bay to Arromanches
    • sophias985 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was also a great stop to see the German artillery. Lots to explore inside and outside the artillery. Looks just as it was in the day. Then we drove down to see the artificial harbor. You could see it in the distance but worth the stop there to see how big it really is.
    • Magellano81 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Longues battery located in the countryside of the main town of Longues-sur-Mer, this battery is one of the most beautiful and best preserved of all Normandy, in fact it still retains some bunker with their guns mounted, obviously dismantled but extraordinarily well-preserved when you consider that they are exposed to the elements for well over 70 years. In this vast area as I mentioned there is the presence of numerous bunkers which can also be visited inside and they were exactly the original state as they were during the war. Exciting adventure, you will have the opportunity and the freedom to touch the guns and you can freely explore the area since it is not monitored. This is definitely one of my top favorite sightseeing.
    • davidcross100 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a great place to visit - it's free and you can access everywhere as it's all open. We visited as a group on a 4-day tour.There aren't any panels of information so you'll need to bring your own information - Major Mrs Holt's guide has a page on this place. We saw people on guided tours there but they looked pretty basic. But then you can see where the shells from HMS Ajax and others hit the guns themselves, which aren't as big as you might think. No where else can you clamber over the guns and sit in the concrete bunkers as the troops did on D-Day itself. You can get a real appreciation of what it was like both to occupy and clear these obstacles.
    • michaelc178 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Excellent! Beautifully peserved German batteries! One destroyed, three intact, a must see on the to Omaha beach!!
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