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sanctuaire sainte therese

  • 景点介绍
  • sanctuaire sainte therese
  • 景点印象
    • blue_haddock 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Even viewing from a distance this is beautiful building and absolutely huge. If it is as spectular inside as it was from the outside it will be breathtaking
    • Wartznall 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although I was brought up as a Roman Catholic my wife was not, and she generally prefers visiting stately homes to religious sites, because she sometimes finds religious places a little intimidating or overly sombre. She absolutely loved this place.There was a serenity and peacefulness to this place, and unlike a lot of older buildings it was quite well lit. The artwork was absolutely spectacular and awe-inspiring, and reminded us that at some point we would like to visit the Sistine Chapel. Our daughter liked the more technological aspects in the other buildings, which explained more about the life and works of Saint Thérèse. I enjoyed visiting it, while my wife and daughter both enjoyed visiting it more than they had expected to.
    • Hulies 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This building was awe inspiring. The art, the massiveness, the beauty of it all was awesome. Yes, as some reviewers pointed out, there is a lot of kitsch but, all that notwithstanding, we enjoyed the small crowd and the incredible beauty and peacefulness of the place. Definitely worth the visit.
    • Bruce4fun 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Church is huge, with interesting mosaics. We went on a tour which included this site. Could not be less interested in Saints so was just there to see the building which is impressive. It is a virtualy disneyland to St. Therese with bookshop, t shirts, coffee mugs, candles and all sorts of religious junk to buy. Must make a fortune for them.
    • TravelwithMattLui 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to Lisieux to visit the Basilica of St Therese which is an important pilgrimage site after Lourdes in France. The basilica has so much history of St Therese and the environment and its surroundings were both breathtaking and serene. There was not too much crowd when we arrived in the afternoon and we managed to walk through the holy site. The church was first constructed in 1929, blessed in 1937 and went through the world war II with some damages, but the main part of the dome was not hit by the allied bombs.....although Lisieux was badly hit. It was a miracle that the holy sit suffered minor damages.The basilica was consecrated in 1954 and the relics of St Therese are placed under the dome for worshipers to revere and pray.
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