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musee des blindes

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  • musee des blindes
  • 景点印象
    • rkcam 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Went to the museum with my tank expert 8 year old son, and even he was impressed... Not expensive to enter and just an amazing array of vehicles, particularly ww2 where they had a line of tanks showing the modestly sized Panzer II all the way through to King Tiger. All that was missing for me was more about some of the stories behind different tank regiments, and perhaps an English (audio) guide but overall the signage was informative and the overall very worthwhile trip for any military enthusiast.
    • KathrynM763 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you like Armoured Fighting Vehicles this place is one of the best and biggest anywhere in the world. The place is Big (11 themed rooms), and yet they say only a quarter is exhibited - Wow! Going in September meant the crowds were so small that you could take a photo of a row of tanks and not have anyone walking by. In Summer the Tiger 2 tank (still in working order) performs in a demonstration for the Public - worth checking out. Also if you want to take photos you will have to pay a little extra for the chance. The Price for entrance is modest and the displays are well worth the viewing. Information about each vehicles is limited, but being able to touch them makes up for that..A another highlight about this town that is very often missed.
    • DebbieC796 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we have an 11year old Son who is mad on all things world War 1 and 2 - so this was on his 'bucket list'! I was dragged along too and well what can I say....lots of tanks! It was very good I suppose (for someone who has absolutely no interest in such things!). Reasonable price to get in - you are asked if you would like to pay an extra €5 to be allowed to take photos, we didn't, but there is a small section where children can climb on/in some tanks and photos are permitted free of charge!
    • MarchFrance 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I wanted to visit this museum because my husband did his military service in Saumur and got to drive a tank or two. I thought this would be a way of actually getting up close to different tanks, looking inside and maybe even to get inside one to see what they were like. I was not expecting to see so many tanks and from so many countries. It was interesting to learn about the evolution of these giants throughout the 20th Century. I spent a great 2 hours here. I'm giving this 4 stars and not 5 because the (free) guided visit is in French only, though English comments are displayed next to each tank. Each of these tanks are in working order and maintained and it is the biggest tank museum in Europe.
    • Joye57 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Musee des Blindes was an interesting place to visit - the array of tanks was impressive and there was very good information on most of the exhibits in English. The staff were all very helpful and friendly - with a very good shop that had a great range of models and kits.. Anyone interested in Military history would enjoy it. My son said the museum was 'amazing' and his favourite tanks were on display.so he was very happy. The fact that the museum is in Samur means that there is plenty of other places to visit in the area as well as some wine tasting for mum!
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