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  • 景点介绍
  • 海军博物馆
    Located in the Palais de Chaillot, this museum documents French naval...
  • 景点印象
    • Davidukas13 图标 图标 图标 图标

      all the ship models are amazing and stunning, i really loved it and we took pictures of almost every vessel we have seen! I really loved how we could leave our coats and bags at the entrance!
    • TravelinFieldGuy 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I took my father-in-law, a maritime buff, to this obscure museum and it turned out to be the highlight of our Paris visit! It basically covers French naval history,focusing mostly on the last 400 years, but it goes in to much more depth than just "boats." They cover, for example, the societal and economic factors that enabled the rise of French naval power in the 17th and 18th century. I'm no naval buff, but I was absolutely fascinated! We ended up spending way more time here than we thought we would, and we absolutely loved it!Some logistical notes: The Museum Pass covers not just entry, but an audio guide as well. (The Paris Museum Pass really is a must have for any tourist visit to Paris!) There were lots of audio guide enabled displays in English, so it is an essential part of the visit. This museum is on the southwest corner of the Palais de Chaillot on the Place de Trocadero (the place where you go to get a good view of the Eiffel Tower across the river,) so it's easy to get to and has lots of other stuff to do once you leave the museum. Also, the cafes around the Place de Trocadero are solid, not too touristy or pricy, and offer good value for lunch.I hope you enjoy this wonderful underrated gem as much as we did!
    • 274beckyk 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum is a fun stop for naval buffs or engineers, as it contains ships and naval technology of all kinds. There are tons of ship models here from all time periods, many of which originated in the private collection of the king of France. In addition, the museum houses paintings of the sea (not as interesting), early diving technology, and objects from old ships. The best parts in my opinion were the metal SCUBA suit (an idea that didn't pan out for obvious reasons) and Napoleon's gorgeous imperial barge. This museum, however, is sort of "guy-oriented" in my opinion, so it was fun to see with my dad but probably not a place I would thoroughly enjoy on my own.
    • musket_trip 图标 图标 图标 图标

      For 7€ you can see the permanent collection and for only 3€ more, you can see both the permanent and whatever temporary exhibit is on display. You can take pictures of anything in the permanent collection and audio guides are included (if you purchase both the permanent and temporary galleries). Also, the musée is in the Trocadéro so before or after you go inside, you can see an great view looking over a grand courtyard directly at the Tour Eiffel. In the summer, the rather large fountains come to life on every hour. It's cool to see. So if you have any interest in the navy, ships, etc. I would recommend this musée.
    • xristoph 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Went here because it was included in our museum pass. We were positively surprised, the museum was interesting. A major part is dedicated to the marine from the 17th to 19th century, featuring models and parts of actual boats, in impressive size. Another part shows the history of the French navy in the 20th century, mostly through models. We really enjoyed this museum, it won't take a lot if time. Go there if you have some interest in navy history, and are on a museum pass. It's worth spending an hour or two.
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