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fort saint-andre

  • 景点介绍
  • fort saint-andre
    Built to affirm the hegemony of the Capetian monarchy over its neighbours...
  • 景点印象
    • Oz_eco_wanderer 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth a visit this is a superbly maintained fortress with brilliant views. But not all your visitors are from France! His site nes to follow the example of the Chatreuse and have more in-depth information in multiple languages. And closing for lunch - really? So last century!
    • chaletaria 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The fort is opposite the historic town of Avignon in the rival town of Villeneuve-lez-Avignon (not really a “new” town as it was built by the royals in medieval times to combat increasing papal power opposite). The fort can be visited by walking across from Avignon over 2 bridges, past the tower of Philippe le Bel (interesting in itself) and up the hill- this all takes about 40 minutes of solid walking. The walk will takes you through the Jardins Pompidou and the medieval town of Villeneuve but it is a steep climb at the end. Alternatively you can take the bus (number 5, cost 1.30 euros each way), but will still need to finish with a steep climb. The fort is only open in the afternoons out of season after 2 pm. It is not busy inside (we were the only people) nor is it expensive (the Avignon PASS applies here too). The site is interesting but has little information, which would have been helpful- the folded pamphlet gave little info beyond a very small map and some basic information which children would be happy with. The castle has amazing views and is in a good state meaning you can see a lot of structures. The wall walk is particularly nice. No food or drink is available on site and the town is a good 5 minutes steep climb so take your own water!
    • Austriangull 图标 图标 图标 图标

      First of all, Villeneuve is a relatively undiscovered jewel in this area. The town square is lovely and you can feel a certain French quality of life in the place. A must if you want to escape the crowds over the river.My four year old son and I really enjoyed exploring the fort - a steep climb up but manageable for my boy. What is lacking are enough information posters around to give the visitor enough context about the significance of the building. The views are, as you might expect, superb.
    • sasalliee 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visting Fort Saint-Andre was the perfect thing to do on our first day in Villeneuve-les-Avignon. I am a big fan of ruins and historic sites and I was surprised at the size of the fort and by how much I could walk through (and on top of). When buying our tickets we also received the Avignon pass, which is free and provides discounts at the sites and museums in Avignon and Villeneuve les Avignon. The Pass is good 15 days and is good for the whole family (5 persons max). It was a beautiful day and we had so many great and varying scenic views of both the cities and of the fort.
    • gingkoleaf 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I love being up high, and this is about as high as it gets in this part of France. Be warned, there are plenty of steps, but the views are worth it. The tiny Bellevue Chapel is a gem. Buy a combined ticket with Chartreuse for the best value.
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