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salin d'aigues-mortes

  • 景点介绍
  • salin d'aigues-mortes
    A la decouverte du sel de Camargue
  • 景点印象
    • Daisy3178 图标 图标 图标 图标

      OK - the salt area is interesting and normally I really like this sort of experience, but once you have seen one salt "field" you have seen them all. The one and a half hour trip becomes very "samey". In October we saw some flamingos but why, oh why, didn't the driver stop so we could take photos? He stopped just the once to take photos looking back at the ramparts of Aigues Mortes but could have given many more photo opportunities. To be fair we could take pictures at the information stop after an hour but we were herded into the centre and encouraged to buy and I had to find my own way outside to take photos.Tannoy on train in French but we did have English information sheets to read and in the information centre many info posters also had English on them. Would I take friends on this? No.
    • shakedl 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice store at the end, where you can buy different kinds of salts and rice, other then that, tour is in french, also the museum.
    • sarahandrews75 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was a great way to spend a morning. There were 3 generations in our party and all equally enjoyed it. We got the first train at 10am and were finished at just after 11.30am - just long enough for the little ones. We all found the process of how the salt is extracted from the water very interesting, we had a good guide in English to read on the way round and the stop about 2/3 of the way through to see the 'museum' breaks the train journey in just the right place. The only caution I would give is beware of the mosquitoes in the wooded area when you are queuing at the ticket office/waiting for the train. Spray before you go!!
    • ynis 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A tour with the little train amid the salt ponds : you can see the pink colours of the waters, and if you are lucky enough, birds and flamingoes. The view on the antique city of Aigues- Mortes is stunning from there. Provided you speak French you will learn everything upon the salt "culture" here in Aigues-Mortes.
    • MontChanais 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We decided to visit "Les Salins d'Aigues-Mortes" a vast salt production site in the Carmargue. We booked a trip in a small train and spent one and a half hours visiting the salt plains. It was a very interesting visit and we could learn a lot about the salt production. The one negative point (the reason why I cannot give a 5 point rating) is the high price one has to pay to take the train (9 EUR per person).
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