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fort national

  • 景点介绍
  • fort national
    Built in 1689 to protect the city.
  • 景点印象
    • oneleggoalie 图标 图标 图标 图标

      ...the museum is a good visit...but the view of the surrounds is very beautiful...go early to ensure a quiet look around and climb to the top.
    • NikolayG 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The fort as a museum is very small and doesn't provide much information and places to visit. You get a guided tour in French and a paper with English (and several other languages) translation of the main facts. Again, nothing much to see, but there were descriptions of several interesting episodes of St Malo history. From a museum perspective the entrance fee of €5 is quite high.But this is not just a fee to enter the museum, but also to give some food to your imagination. Just walking around and seeing the fort, the walls, the drawbridge, the seascapes with other forts and St Malo walls, provides both wonderful views and lots of pictures for a vivid imagination - pictures of ships and sea battles, corsairs, seafarers, and other episodes of the past. The whole dependance on the tide adds to this - the fact that the fort is accessible on foot when the tide is out, and is quite far and formidable when the tide is in - adds to this work of imagination and keeps one astonished each time.A must if you want to daydream of the seafaring adventures of the past.
    • goldenroadpilgrim 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a delight to walk out to fort national on the tidal sands especially if you have seen it when the tide is in. This perfectly preserved fort of the 1700 s is like a boys own first . Real captain and commander stuff.
    • RosemaryL43 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good for history - cut off by the tide which was unexpected so had to paddle! 70 years since the killing of 18 people so flowers left to remember them.
    • Graemersmith 图标 图标 图标 图标

      From the fort there are superb views of the sea, islands and St Malo itself. Perhaps a bit pricey at €5.
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