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musee d'art moderne

  • 景点介绍
  • musee d'art moderne
    Just 20 minutes away from the city centre of Lille, experience one of the...
  • 景点印象
    • FrejusFemmes 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Getting there was quite a challenge on a Sunday Morning. Took the metro then a bus then fortunately say the signs on the pavement to tell us where to got. Through a bit of a housing street then eventually, more by luck than judgement, found it. Lovely outdoor area, with some interesting outdoor sculptures, and some lovely planting supporting them. Inside, it was dead. I think we were the only people in there for the first hour. Got slightly livelier as the morning progressed. The exhibitions were not all necessarily to my taste but I found it a wonderful space with some very attractive pieces. The Art Brut new exhibition area is stunning and the work of Augustin Lesage absolutely gorgeous. I could have stayed there all day. A quick visit to the shop (everything I liked was too expensive) and the cafe- fine for the drink and baguettes we had - and then back to the bus stop! I would say a definite to visit if you have the time (at least half a day, better with more)'
    • 249geoffs 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a wonderful collection, by turns, moving, challenging and provoking. The sculptures in the park are imposing not least Picasso's woman with outstretched arms.Inside the galleries are open, well lit and representative not only of French Artists but othe European Artists too.The Art Brut collection is especially impressive with work drawn from many artists who did not show professionally but developed their work privately.The restaurant is excellent and lunch was a work of art perfectly prepared and presented.
    • pamelac634 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautifully laid out, in lovely grounds and superb collection of modern art including several Picassos.
    • 878julianb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Set in a lovely sculpture garden, the museum has some excellent contemporary and modern art, as well as a really fun wing filled with "Art Brut" (Outsider Art for English speakers). Big enough to be worth the trip out from town, small enough to avoid gallery fatigue.
    • mirandas2013 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Having heard so much about the LAM and seeing the beautiful white nest like exterior from internet photographs it promised so much but delivered so little. Upon arrival, we were confronted with a brick, gloomy building! Where was the white exterior? Surely it should be at the entrance….you would think so! But still we entered hoping to see some great art. Some beautiful Modigliani's greeted us in the first room, we ventured further….Picasso, Braque, Leger, all great artists to be assured but in every room the overall uniting theme seemed to be grey. It's as if the LAM were given all the artworks the other museums didn't want, but they took them anyway because they were well known names that draw visitors. The contemporary collection was more promising with wonderful pieces by Annette Messager and the highlight of our visit Daniel Buren. He has constructed a wonderful installation: 'Les trois cabanes éclatées en une' which is beautiful. Then we visited the famed Outsider section which was presented coldly; the artworks felt out of place in the formality of a museum such as this, if you compare it to the warmth of La Fabuloserie, which was a great shame and paid them a disservice. Then we were going to visit the shop but were rudely informed that it was closing in the afternoon. I have never before been so disappointed by a visit to a museum, no wonder it was so empty!
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