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chablis vititours

  • 景点介绍
  • chablis vititours
  • 景点印象
    • jwhistler 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Frank is an extemely knowlegeable and personable fellow. The one-day tour gave us an excellent intro and review of Chablis and cremant wines. We tasted a good range of wines and Frank took us to a couple of key places in Chablis to give us a visual overview of the area. We met some winemakers and we saw a number of lovely villages off the beaten track. I would recommend this tour to anyone who wants a deeper appreciation of this area of France and its wines. A truly lovely day for my wife and i which we will not forget.
    • Richdrake 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Franck led us on a really informative 90 minute tour of the Grand Cru vineyard and the other Chablis locations. Informative and fun. Good English and a good sense of humour. Highly recommended. Can be booked direct or through the Office du Tourism in Chablis.
    • Nearing 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This tour was a highlight of our trip to France. Franck is a wonderful and knowledgeable guide who made the tour feel very personalized. The morning was relaxed and comfortable. We learned so much about the beautiful region of Chablis and the excellent wines it has to offer. This was a very worthwhile venture and a great way to spend a morning. Merci beaucoup, Franck!
    • sarahgL6089YL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had an excellent time touring the Chablis vineyards with Franck. We were a group of 9,6 adults, 2 kids: 10 and 8 and a baby, 4 months old in stroller. Franck made everybody fell at ease. He was so professional, fun and so knowledgeable, not only the kids learned but the adults too. In spite of the iffy weather, Franck made our day bright and shiny. If you want a memorable time in the Chablis vineyards, go with Franck, Chablis Vititours.
    • 842guillaumeg 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Vineyard, cellar discoveries and Wine tasting.. We had a blast!!!!! Burgundy / Chablis is a famous wine country south of Paris and it competes with Bordeaux as France most prestigious vineyard. Franck (Vititours) is the man to know - if you want to visit the vineyards, taste the wines, and get some clear explanations about the area, the wine in general and its production. We had an appointment with him at 4:30PM and he did not hesitate to do extra time as we were talking and tasting the wines. Great person, so knowledgable. Great tour - really cool. All the family was really satisfied and enjoyed the visit; we had a baby stroller = no problem. Our 2 other kids also enjoyed the visit :)
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