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chateau de brancion

  • 景点介绍
  • chateau de brancion
  • 景点印象
    • HJPinBeds 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we were here as part of a Town twinning excursion, discovering some of France's history and culture. The chateau used to be in ruins, but has been carefully and faithfully restored. We had the good fortune to be lead by an English-speaking guide, who brought it alive for us. Beware that there are many stairs / steps, which could be tiring for the less fit among us - bt the views are terrific.PS: there are leaflets in English, but just in black / white.
    • 2Babyboomes 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We enjoyed our visit to Chateau de Brancion. Beautiful grounds and very interesting Chateau. Our guide was a delight and very well informed. So pleased we took the time to visit.
    • LibbieG 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While on a river cruise recently, I was taken to the village of Brancion. While the chateau is the centerpiece, there is a delightful tiny hamlet surrounding the castle that was a photographer's dream. I'm making plans to return soon and to stay longer. Brancion is an authentic ancient chateau village that has not been spruced up for tourists. The church is particularly fine. The location just a few miles off the highway makes it an easy stop -- have lunch there!
    • MaurieDobbin 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its well worth making a side trip in the countryside to visit the Chateau. Not only do you see a medieval castle once owned by the Dukes of Burgundy you have a perfect view over the surrounding countryside. You can hire an audio cassette from the information office that will take you step by step through the ruins and its history.
    • mtnview26 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took a side trip on the road from Beaune to Lyon on a perfect sunny morning and discovered this perfect little gem of a village surrounding the chateau. At the top is a beautiful little church where we had the treat of hearing a harpist. From the grounds you can see all Burgundy laid out before you. It was a great, peaceful breather--and not crowded at all.
    • YourEscapeBluePrint 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stumbled across this ruined castle and its surrounding village quite by accident........ we spotted it while driving through the area and just had to explore.It was delightful....... in the entrance area they had a number of "medieval" costumes available fro visitors to use. What a great opportunity to dress up as a lady of the court a jester or a noble and relive history for a few hours.Well worth the entry fee....
    • BJos7 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Standing among the ruins of this medieval castle, you really feel what life might have been like in the XI century. Don't be put off by what is described as ruins, there are entire walls and rooms left in the castle. The village that surrounds the castle is quaint and a nice stroll through the streets allows one to glance into the beautifully kept gardens of each house. An important part of history that is worth visiting.
    • ChitchatCanada 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We made a spontaneous side-stop in Brancion enroute to Beaune and it was the cutest little medieval village....hidden amongst the never-ending vineyards of Burgundy.The Brancion castle is mostly ruins but from the top of its tower, offers spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. We thoroughly enjoyed wandering through this small, but well maintained castle ruins. Included in the meager admission fee to this chateau, is a leaflet explaining its history and ongoing restoration efforts. Overall, this chateau and the entire village of Brancion, was such a lovely and worthwhile stop to explore during our adventures through France.
    • jeanth0masw 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Das Chateau wie auch das ganze Dörfchen wird und wurde umfassend renoviert. Der grosse Parkplatz lädt zu einem Fussmarsch von 300 m bis zum Stadttor ein.
    • Djox93 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Au delà du Château, Brancion c'est le domaine des vieilles pierres, du temps passé, du ressourcement. A l'entrée de ce minuscule village quasi déserté, se dresse sur la droite un vieux château médiéval, récemment restauré que l'on peut (ou non) visiter.En grimpant la seule voie dallée de grosses pierres lisses du village, on passe à gauche devant une grande bâtisse où vivent encore quelques sœurs qui cultivent leur jardin spirituel et biologique. On traverse l'ancienne halle du village aux murs épais et aux basses poutres lourdes pour arriver sur un plateau qui surplombe toute la campagne environnante et où se campe dans toute sa splendeur l'église romane Saint Pierre de Brancion, récemment restaurée.Comme la plupart des églises romanes des environs, celle de Brancion est vieille de plus de mille ans et fut agrandie au XIIème siècle, à l'époque où l'aura l'Abbaye de Cluny voisine rayonnait sur toute la chrétienté. A l'intérieur, il y fait très sombre et frais. Si vous avez de la chance, vous croiserez peut-être un harpiste professionnel qui joue dans la pénombre. Ses airs médiévaux vous replongeront encore plus profondément dans atmosphère moyenâgeuse, et ses CD destinés à la vente vous rappelleront eux, les temps modernes.De vieilles peintures défraîchies se devinent encore aux murs tandis que le tombeau d'un chevalier repose à la gauche de la nef. Derrière l'église, un vieux cimetière nous fait prendre conscience qu'il y avait naguère une vraie vie dans ce village, et qu'on y vivait même très vieux.Pour finir la visite, prenez le temps de vous asseoir quelques minutes sur les bancs en pierre devant l'église et profitez de la vue plongeante calme et reposante que vous offre le paysage alentours.
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