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maison joseph drouhin

  • 景点介绍
  • maison joseph drouhin
  • 景点印象
    • Papabuck49 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We booked this tour to see what was described as one of the finest wineries in the region. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and spoke excellent English to help us out. The old buildings, wine presses, and caves were a great view into the history of the wine making business in Beaune. Our group had many questions and she handled them all including from our French friends who were growers from Champagne. The highlight was the tasting. We had 6 wines, all excellent, the best we encountered in our month long visit to Beaune. The price was 35 euro and there are other cheaper tours but this was well worth it to get the history and taste some of the best wines Beaune has to offer.
    • W4638WRpeterw 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The wine tasting itself was not worth it in our opinion, but the tour certainly is.The best part of this tour is the walk through the extensive warren of caves that travels beneath Beaune, including the oldest cellar in the town (12th century). The guide was extremely knowledgeable and friendly -- be sure to ask her to recount the stories about what happened to the caves / firm during World War II.The tasting consists of 6 wines (3 chardonnay, 3 pinot noir). For us not as interesting since we don't generally like chardonnay (no exception here). The pinots were fine but not the best or best value to be had in the area. And we can find a lot of Drouhin wines here in NY anyway.But again, we thought the tour was well worth our time and money. You do need to book in advance, not a walk-in tour unless you get lucky I guess.
    • SueMarani 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Joseph Drouhin wines are Simply The best... But if you are in Beaune, you have to visit their cellars! Tasting wines there is one of those experiences you cant miss if you are a Wine lover!
    • llsimms 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Read the history of Wine and War so we had to do this walking tour. Nice explanation of the 2005. Expensive for 70 euros for us. Could have bought a bottle. Mercier was a better overall tour as many that have done both will tell you. Happy memories.
    • c_macdo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a great tour of the cellars below Beaune. Definitely worth seeing. Our tour guide answered any and all questions we came up with. The tour was more expensive than most tours I've been on (€35), but with the 6 tastings, I think it was worth it.
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