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lochnagar crater

  • 景点介绍
  • lochnagar crater
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    • JohnWh1924 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It takes you back to July 1st 1916 more than almost anything else. It is well maintained - unlike Hawthorn Ridge
    • TravellingSolo_11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth a visit, you can't believe the size of this crater. There was a decked path to walk around it. Cafe van nearby for refreshments . Worth a visit
    • Traveller51_11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have visited the crater many times but it has a habit of drawing us back ... even though we have no personal family connection to it. It is a site of tremendous significance within the WW1 Somme 'story' &, as such, it will always get an 'Excellent' rating from me. Yes it is a hole in the ground but, in reality, it is where WW1 soldiers were unintentionally laid to rest. Regardless of their nationality, it is a hole in the ground that deserves great respect. Parking is more difficult than it used to be - once, cars and coaches could use a natural hard-standing to park on (opposite the crater site) but this has been ploughed up now :-( A small hammer-head has been created adjacent to the entrance to the site - and this makes turning considerably easier as the lane is quite narrow+. A notice from the owner informs visitors that negotiations are being held with the local Mayor to see if something more favourable/long-term can be done. The private owner and volunteers do a fantastic job in maintaining the site, in order that the many visitors can appreciate the crater. To give an example, when we arrived (immediately after a great B&B breakfast at La Boisselle) early one morning, we were the first to arrive ... by the time we left, a third coach-load of children/students was drawing up. The board-walk has been improved - every plank has a non-slip strip attached to it now plus the slope at the beginning has hand-rails. Wheel-chairs can make it up quite close to the Cross and for a short distance at the crater's edge. The terrain around the crater would, I imagine, make it near-impossible to create wheelchair access around the whole circumference. Owner/volunteers are doing all they can to enhance a visit but, I would say, the onus must be on the visitor to take responsibility for their own safety. In such an environment, there is a limit to what a visitor should expect from such a location.On some of the planks, there are engraved Memorial Plaques. This is a new idea and, I think the purchase fees for these plaques must help bring in much-needed funding for up-keep and maintaintence costs. The 1 (one) 'Poor' reviewer asked "Why put soldiers names in the wooden walkway? ..... it is NOT a British memorial ....". Life is not black and white though, is it? People are seldom or never permanently commemorated on the spot where they die (especially not during WW1) - so it could be asked 'why not put memorial plaques on the board' if it keeps the memory of any WW1 combatant alive further and helps the Lochnagar Crater in the process?
    • timbG9538LQ 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our guide David is a friend of Lochnagar and his knowledge and passion for the site is evident. Worth a visit to see how it sits in the Somme landscape
    • 822rogerb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      OK a glib title, but as I stood gazing into the huge crater it was how I felt as I pondered a while the impact of the explosion, (said to be the largest non-nuclear explosion, ever), on the men abe those around as soldiers on both sides went into battle. We will remember.
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