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foret de compiegne

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  • foret de compiegne
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    • PhileasF_12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just bring your bike next time! A round tour Compiègne - Pierrefonds - Compiègne is a nice thing to do. Unfortunately the city of Compiègne is rather under developed, no bicycle lanes.
    • RenoBill 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the third largest forest in France, and and is crisscrossed with trails for walking, jogging, biking and horses. On a four hour walk in late May, the wildflowers were impressive. Great place for a break from sightseeing and crowded streets. We were with French friends, who told us that maps are available, probably at the Palace but your hotel ought to know where to get one.
    • Mrb1975 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An area of France I knew nothing about until our visit. So close to Calais and Paris - really worth considering visiting for a weekend break. Wil defianately return.
    • an2niosergios 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lindo parque-floresta, que se estende até Pierrefonds. Ideal para caminhadas e piqueniques embaixo dos carvalhos. Ótimo passeio!
    • HelloKH 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      학생 때 교환학생 갔던 마을 입니다.노인분들이 많고 버스가 공짜인 동네이죠..큰 강이 지나고 있고 큰 나무, 숲이 많은 자연친화적인 동네입니다.강을 끼고 녹지가 잘되어 있고 산책로가 잘되어있어서 산책하기 정말 좋습니다.다만 사람이 많지 않은 동네라서 밤에는 안전에 유의하세요~한적한 주말 오후에 앉아있으면 절로 쇠라의 그림이 떠오르는 곳이에요가볍게 도시락 싸서 놀러가보세요~
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